Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Yay i finally broke the curse (well i hope!)

So I'm now 2 kores on the last 20 runs i've done, with 19k ISP left, lets see how that goes >.<> thats dedication!

We decided to do bastok(It was either that or jeuno..) we had 16 on pearl ;/ could be worse I guess. The run seemed to go alright at first we got 5 wootz, a 100 (recoil lotted 913 then FFJ ninjalotted with 914 lol^^), af wise wasnt very good ;/ we got bstx2, dnc, brd, cor +smn
The run ended early as we didnt have time to get sum TE due to king! aggroing the top bridge bit xD but it was still fun :]

I then tried to make Gavion some Mahatma feet signed 0/12 :( we'll try sum moar soon! have a pic of him in his awsum [Wingedangel] gobrin hat

1/19 on isnm T_T

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Since the last post ;D i've done pretty much nothing (goes to show how fun this game is for me anymore!)
I'm now a stupid 1/18 on ISNM >_>;;
In salvage Alf got 35 ares body making him 3/3 (hes also now finished the body^^ grats)
I think the only other 35 we got were skadi legs
but one of the best things that happened lately in game was...

(ya its small)
but if u can't see I made Silversonic some dusk gloves+1 (signed of course!) for him I went 1/25
in total makes me 3/51 :) which I thinks pretty good ^^

Oh i also finally made an Umbra cape! I went 1/16 Dx and the 1 that Hqed wasnt the signed 1 >_> but eh at least it Hqed

I would also like to say that cape dropped from ix'drk for King....but it hasnt T_T we're probably 0/16 ? or so now. Last 1 we did reraised 21 times... ; ;

Thursday, 29 April 2010

Did another ISNM, of course no Kore for me :( that makes me 0/8 in a row now!
I've also started farming lizard skins (moreso cause I'm usually just stood bored in game)
Droprates pretty decent in crawler's nest, can get up to 5 skins per lizzy :o

Then me/fyre decided to do a couple more up in arms (our last couple orbs ;/) of course we didn't get a kraken club ;( can't get that lucky again i guess lol

Salvage today we did SSR farm. Marduk feet ofc didn't drop and neither did usu body lol x.x
Even though I haven't posted for a while, there isn't even much I've been doing :(
I've been doing some ISNM's to try get Kores for morrigan's body, with no luck >.> though Fyre got a kore which I'm gonna steal :>

HNMwise we're not claiming much, but been getting a few things. We got a few tiamats and Oni got his gaiters. We've gotten a few sandworms, CoS had it in meri the other day, it went white and I got it with EES =D
We did some sea the other day i think we did 3 Jailor of hopes, 2 hope and 1 prudence. Only a hope torque dropped which was a bit sucky, but Shadow got grats!

Fyre's just got a new job which means we aren't playing ff11 much at all anymore, as I'm usually bored if hes not on and he just doesn't have the time =p
We did 16 up in arm bcnms a couple days ago though, of course we didn't get lucky lol

I've been trying to craft Silver dusk gloves+1 aswell, he told me hes lost about 8.5m on them so far >_< I really hoped we'd get lucky :( I made some Mahatma feet though! my first T1 craft in a while lol 0/14 Umbra cape (T2 ;|) Not having much luck on crafts in general T_T I've also been duoing (well nim had super triboxed brd ;D) KS30 operation desert swarm with Nim, we've done about 9? orbs and gotten a serket ring, a couple dingots, a vclaw and oingot between us not so bad D: and least we can just do whenever

Having no luck with Ix'drk dropping kings cape still >( but eh its gotta drop eventually right? D:

We have a new relic in LP! Fertdawg finally finished Bravura grats!

Me+Fyre also got a hagun in ENM yesterday ^-^ sold 2 seconds after i put it on AH lol.

Guess I'll update moar when i actually do something ;>

Wednesday, 7 April 2010


Soo we're now on Sylph server, whats there to say about it? Well its not home! >(
Its actually kinda weird, there seems to be alot more shouts for just Dynamis runs here. The lag in whitegate is awful sometimes during the day my games actually messed up a abit and me and Fyre dc randomly now :(
HNM-wise there is an LS called Iizerg that were already pretty mean, as we played with VNMs for a bit (new NMs) and Fyre popped one and died as no tanks were near soo they were saying how fairy had sucky linkshells blahblah. They did the same at a khimaira (Even though the next khim, which they got they were slower than us >.>; but whatever is their server etc :|)
We also had a linkshell try to steal sandworm, think it was Symbosis or something. Now yellow = fair play but actually trying to steal hate (curing, invincible etc) is just uncalled for, I would have thought people would have made a slight effort to get on with us :/

Dynamis wise, there doesnt seem to be many shells that conflict with us tbh, the only problem is memberwise we're so low,I dunno where everyones dissapeared and can honestly see this shell breaking :/ which I don't want, but we'll see.

Salvage still not putting out as much as i'd like to see but when we did AR farm, we got macha's coat (for me) and Usu legs35 (for Shinx) in 1 run which was very nice =D now i just gotta get the ingots ;|

I decided to try ISNM/mine for most of the Kores, not going so well
(The mining part) I've mined for the past week at least 3hrs a time, usually longer and the only good thing I got was 1 adaman ore, I even did 6hours on Monday and got nothing :/ Mining hates me

Saturday, 20 March 2010

Last couple of days on fairy!~

If you wanna see any of the full size pics just click em ^^

Well LP got our last Tiamat on fairy XD its kinda sad that we're leaving soon ; ; but nice that we got the last 1 (though it didn't drop the last gaiters on fairy!). We also got the last Nidhogg which was nice Chriss got dalmy grats^^

For some reason kings are being mean and popping late windows too!

Last Dyna on fairy!!! and its....Sandy :DD lulz
Wasn't the worst run ever for drops, just too bad we didn't get any 100's and 2 commented af (granted there was only like 4 comments for af xD) but hopefully everyone made a fair bit of profit with singles so still something.

After Dyna we did Salvage decided to do BR since there was just 5 of us. We got to the first rampart and at about 70%ish it popped a spider :D but no drop! :( it was teasing us >o didn't pop another til 20%ish :/ and that didn't drop either and no other pops.

And of course the 2nd one didn't pop at all >o

Just as we were finishing up in salvage Kingkorrit said in LS that we had Khim :D Last khim on fairy woo!

and Haute dropped (Last haute on fairy woo \o/) grats Emo

sorry for the shitty pic etc :(

I logged off after Khim but i heard we also got fairys last cerb ^_^

We got fairys last faf, last Aspid(which dropped dalmy grats Tiu!) err and I think we just got fairys last ixion which was nice for LP as they got the first ever Ixion on server too ^^

Had alot of fun on fairy and made alot of great friends, some have quit some are still around
One of my best friends in game Nimlith came back yesterday aswell :D which was kewl though I bet he won't be around for long :P

My first proper social LS will be broken! "StormRiders" where I met some of the coolest people
(who have pretty much all quit now XD) <3nim,lainne,altimis,xbillyx,aionne,jqd,akle,greenboi,breaunaca<3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgbboOesN7ORTsSfbOW7mux3aLzqBfdD7v9ekn4ykD576Rkb0tGOYAxtpdRN9h-tfn3KA9lVRhi4_BeA_BxlL9Kj8hYZRatVPblszCr1FW3IVpksicK6LDD-UWqVxbFZht8zv5LkFlHNq4/s1600-h/dead.JPG">

Gonna be dead on sylph \o/



(Click for full size etc)


Fun with Oceanicsky :)


Dyna LS dancing!



Sky LS Theforever ^^ (like my 3rd sky LS XD)


Silversonic being slow...as usual XD <3 href="http://s65.photobucket.com/albums/h221/xlilc/?action=view&current=img_20080507_145421.png" target="_blank">Photobucket

me as a smexy galka 8D

Friday, 19 March 2010

Merge date announced~

So the update and merge to sylph will be done on monday 22nd 3pm gmt til 3am Tuesday. I'm kinda excited will be a bit different and hopefully be able to get stuff done easier like ZNMs. I just hope sylph isn't full of assholes :[ Not really looking forward to the endgame scene on it though, as they'll just be far too many groups. Also sucks won't get to be 1 of the first to play with the new NMs since it'll be far too early ; ; We did Dyna valk on tuesday (this run always scares me as we just seem to have shitty luck in some way or the other lol) I think we had 26 show which was more than I thought would show. We got to the boss quickly and woo =D it was going down and killed ^.^ no 100s though! The run itself went pretty decently, drops weren't so bad either granted we only got 2 commented (brd-1 for fyre and sam belt for fastfingerjoe ^^) I got smn cape on freelot we had our obligatory bard cape drop (twice!) We also got Bst belt and for regular af: blmx2, dnc and pup. More drops than some of our runs lately. Gonna try do CoP a bit more often since our xarc/beauc lists aren't so bad anymore although we do have a couple interested in buying thf hands for 4m each which would be nice =D

LPs still having their good streak with Ixion, sucks that I won't make any gil for it since its still in stupidOclock times :( but hopefully almost got everyone who scans it the stuff they want from it.

We did BR boss in salvage on wednesday Usu pants dropped and Sylv regot them (Don't get hacked again D Then the thursday we did ZR farm which we haven't done for a while, was a decent run except for of course no drops!

Last night we claimed faf! woo \o/ Fyre claimed=D went pretty shitty though lol, think mostly due to the lag though I really couldn't move :| some people still couldn't even see feet halfway through the fight. We had like 25~ or so camping xD
Of course nothing good dropped Ahands+Afeet but hey we got a faf \o/

Afterwards Shadowstorm organised a ZNM run, we decided to do acamoths as we had 4 pops for it. Kuumi was tanking and he died about 15% of first 1 and donged! but we managed to kill it >.< Oracles legs dropped =D yay mine!

Friday, 12 March 2010

Today when i logged on I flagged up on war and not long after got an MMM invite from a JP called Bonfires, so i said okay.
Headed to Jeuno and just as I zoned in they entered Everbloom T_T and all i saw was the "w"'s in all sentences in japanese ;O; they totally did it on purpose didn't even apologize >O so I disbanded and flagged up again.
Decided to make an Eron [S] party with Fyres blm and fastfingerjoes mule on brd. Got a pup sync, a rng, me war, ffj brd, fyre rdm and a drk (who was slow to gather D:) seemed to go alright hit 60 \o/

a couple days before we did Dynamis qufim and i went drk yay =D was really fun kraken clubbing the boss, but I missed a hell of alot without madrigal lol D< still we killed it and of course no 100s dropped. The run went really really well think we had 25 people or so. The only bummer was the fact we got rarely any drops which seems to be the usual for us lately :/
got sam belt and drk cape accessories only (i got the drk cape as Hyunkyl dropped glass as he had to go, and then it dropped just before he exited lol DX)

Monday, 8 March 2010

This is what we did for 5hours :( tried to pop Ix'drk ;| Luckily it only reraised once but it dropped deed :( trying to get cape for Kingkorrit

Friday, 5 March 2010

I went to the zoo and heres a Lemur on my shoulder =D

Heres a couple pics of my night out!

I usually don't look nice in pics when im out for some reason xD but there were actually some nice 1s :>

This is Rhianne, Hayley in the back and me at the front with re hair ;D

me and rhianne!

This is me and my kitty Moomoo (my mums stolen her now :() she proper loves the camera :D

but yeah thought id post some pics since i wont be posting much til my holidays over ^-^

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Dyna beauc!
So i was shocked to see 34 on pearl (granted 1 was shinxens mule, 1 was superomega!) i wonder where all these have been lol >:(
The run went pretty smooth had a few nice drops couple rdm (1 went freelot lol ;[) i won a 100 byne bill with a lot of 985 =D
andd we got 3 people clear for it, so 3 new bodies for xarc! (hopefully they'll show up for it =p)

Monday, 1 March 2010

So they announced all the details of the update at the vanafest this year, and i have to say i'm a bit meh :| about some of it.

They're adding the 2 new avatars as promised ages ago! but odin and alexander =D didn't expect those too (though its no fat chocobo :( )

They are also increasing level cap to 99 ._. this is 1 thing i'm not overly looking forward to. I think it'll just ruin more stuff than they'll actually add, like sure theyre gonna add some hnms (I doubt many though idk) but it'll make all the current 1s too easy ;<>_> think I'll just do rdm/blm/sch and drk. Maybe ranger or sam but i don't really want to do both :/ gonna have to level stuff for SJ level now too.

They're also merging servers together, fairy are gonna merge with Sylph. Now theres some good and some bad about merging. Hopefully economy, exp parties and just doing missions and stuff in general will be alot easier. However i think conflict with event shells on each server will happen like with Dynamis linkshells and such, just hope i wouldn't have to break mine =( I really enjoy doing Dyna with the people in my shell.

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

As liger didn't meet me to do cerbs last time cus he got busy, he asked if i wanted to do them before Ein so i said yus! and then he told me if i didn't HQ I'd be kicked, cus we had 19 hides o_o lol

So we waited for darksday (may aswell since we weren't doing anything) and craft 1 NQ, craft 2 NQ.... craft... craft 19 NQ....wtf? I had kerfuffle watching me too since he had 4 to do.
Soo I started to desynth, I was up to 0/26 and had 1 last try (well we only had 1 thread left) and :O
it Hqed!! 1/27 though, retarded <_< but we should still have 14/15 hides to desynth too which is nice :D

Kerfuffle did his 4 and Nqed them all, desynthed got 4 back came back and Hqed the 5th :( lucky lol, he also Hqed another whilst i was gathering for Ein ._.

Went to Ein, the dreaded T3 again! Phaze jinxed us and said we'd get Behemoth anddddd we did, but we also got those nasty body slam dragons which are a bit hard to stun when ur timers down! D:<>

We timed out again ;/

Monday, 22 February 2010

Since Iriz didn't drop boots for king again (he went off and did it with fyre at some point) I got him another rat pop and we went along to do it. Was really quick so decided to go do Iriz again after.

King had already done most of it by the time me/fyre got there on choco >_> my kitten didn't look too good so wanted to make sure he was ok ;/ he perked up after a couple hours though which was good to see :) So we finished it off and :O! boots dorped grats King :> finally!

Later on LP had planned to do a kirin, but I didn't take Wingedangel as they never start stuff on time (though they managed to for this lol) but i did take Super up so they had a TH4 :D on the first pop wlegs dropped! grats Fyre :DDD on the second 1 Dbody + Osode dropped grats to Judg and Tula on those ^^

I went on to do limbus was a pewpy tenemos west i think it was, but i got sch item =D so i'll be getting the sch hat+1 on sunday ^^

I got warrior from 47~50 the next day, wasn't on game much since me/fyre were tidying the flat all day as my parents are coming down on thursday for a lil holiday ;> so this won't be updated much as if i'm online, it'll mostly be fyre \o/

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Dyna Valk :(
I always dread this run, it can just go tits up even if everything you do is perfect, like if charm gets off and kills all your mages x.x

Anyway we had 27 turn up which was the lowest for us but we decided to go for it anyway, we had 2 KC drks so should be fine for damage (Zulos managed to borrow 1 for his)
We got alot of city af from the normal mobs which was nice =D
Got to the MB quickly, songs up I got dark seal up drain 2 Tula hit CS stun and bam :/ she got killed by the babies >_> soo we were pretty fucked, got it to 6% before we all died meh. Next time we'll have a pld pull hate on it first so the babies hit them. We all got up and had about 10mins left so decided to pull some hippo's. Thf cape dropped on our first hippo which was nice =D kinda make the run not so bad. Recoil got it congrats.
Nothing else dropped but meh you learn from mistakes ;(

This is the parse (granted its not the best cus everyone died at some point XD) but i did awsum >:(

After Dyna we decided to ask if anyone wanted to help me/Shinxen pop a mamool ZNM (forgot name of it and cba looking ): ) only a few responded at first but in the end we managed to get a full ally lol. Though we did have 5 pops in total to pop. They went down fast, the last 1 got stuck and didnt move/benediction so we killed it in 4mins XD got 2 nagels 1 from my pop (thanks to kingkorrit!<3) and Vaantalus
We then went off to do Marid, the rat 1, and a couple brass borer's too. Was nice to get a few peoples mobs done =D gotta work on cerb path now, finished Tinnin ^.^

Thursday, 18 February 2010

When i got up this morning I found fyre was using Wingedangel to scan Dark Ixion as apparently it was force popping and no-one was looking (everyone was at faf) so he had Fyre there. I decided to log Super on and take him rdm to help at faf (thinking about it i should have took winged and he could have scanned on super but oh well lol)
We had a couple TG helping, Razzled + Zidiane on some other char ;< forgot name. There was only me, Fyre, Grey, evynd and Tiu there from LP ;/ Lobstermagnet logged on thf but kept dcing in aery Dx
Fafnir popped last window and =O! we got it nice lol. I asked Phaze on msn if he'd come sam since we had no skillchainer, Haku was inc sam aswell so we were good. We actually had the plds making skillchains lol >o Wasnt the fastest kill but hey we didn't have even 2 full parties lol ;<
We managed to kill it with no problems and N.head dropped! =D Phaze finally got grats.

Ixion was still up roaming (ran a fair bit ;x) so me and Fyre decided to look for it, we found it so many times but we just didnt have people on to kill it =/ so we let it run. It was forcepop for at least 3 hours >_> until we finally managed to grab it, still didn't have much DD on but it was enough to kill and we got full drops =D

It was time for salvage! (we were only about 20mins late so not so bad :D) decided to do BR since it was easy and some of us were pretty bummed out from ixion lol )<
at about 60% of first rampart a spider popped =D and Macha's hands dropped! Phaze lotted 150+ish and Alf lotted 27 lol >_> grats Phaze! it ended up popping out 5 more, Enlil's legs dropped and Fyre got grats ^^
Safe to say the second rampart didnt poop anything out, but least the run wasn't a waste =D

Monday, 15 February 2010

Logged on today, camped Faf for a couple windows and Nidd popped, was white for agees on my screen which is unusual since I'm on a crappy laptop lol. TDG ended up getting and got an ebody.

After faf we decided to MMM, I popped first and we killed it easy enough. Opened the chest and :O mamool ja earring drop!
I lotted like 379 -.- lol
Shinxen lotted 400+
and I think Phaze lotted 399ish

Grats Shinxen xD

Did a second 1 but nothing dropped :( Then Tula had to afk a while so me and Fyre decided to do Hagun enm which we got key item for like 5 days ago but didn't get round to doing lol D:

Killed the antlion, popped the chest and :O a hagun! nicee :DD

Too bad we have to split with smelly Sylv ;[

Later that day I decided to level drg a bit, did some campaign whilst lfp took a while to get an invite but i managed to get a decentish party, drgx2, mnk, pld, cor+rdm. After a while the cor dced and we got another 1 who didn't wanna pull cus it was expensive ¬.¬ not sure why he was lfp subbed /nin, but he did pull since I said we didnt really have anyone else that could.

Hit 65 not long after, was scanning ixion on fyre at same time so decided to get a rep and concentrate on that since we didn't have any competition. There was only me and Grey scanning for a bit, then Draran came along was kinda lame having to hop zones but meh. An hour or so in KV popped and I was actually glad it did for once >O cause I'd *hopefully* get to take KC drk for a try :D

I asked to go drk and got told i could so i geared up (forgot food+homam feet in the process ;< lol, had dusk +1 though so meh)
We waited for Vaan's 2hour to come up and didn't take that long to gather+kill, though retardedly there was ONE TDG person stood there, a thf Asakari >_> who GMed us wtf? do they GM just for the sake of it now? lol >.>
Anyway the GM turned round and said we were fine to wait for vaan's 2hour so fuck you!
If they had a killforce, hell even a stallforce fair enough. We could have given u KV and u would have just wiped <_< lol

I darksealed just after 3rd song was off, drain 2 > bloodweapon > souleater and smacked it :D it petrified me pretty soon lol :x didn't last long though and went down really quick, quicker than when we have a full ally for some reason :s (think we only had 14/15 people?)

After that most when to scan ixion, but i had to go out so didn't get back to scanning :[
I ended up going to sleep for a few hours since i didnt get much, I took my kittys upstairs (mistake ):) since Dracula (not got a proper name for him yet and he has fangs lol ;<) pissed on my bed ¬.¬ but its all good, cus it was in a heart shape lulz ;D but ya, i probably shouldnt take them upstairs til theyre properly litter trained lol :(

Saturday, 13 February 2010

This is also an awsum video \o/

On thursday we did 3 kirins, first 1 dropped Nbody which Bigboy got grats!, 2nd 1 dropped wlegs me and Fyre got to lot (I didn't expect to after gettin novio lol) but fyre passed to me<3 (I told him not to though :@) and of course I had to get the blood cuisses (Hq) since I won't ever get another pair. Woo now i have runfast on rdm+drk =]

On LP forums we had a bit of loldrama, where Maimed came onto our forums saying how someone was writing on his forums saying shit about their shell and he got told it was someone from LP, now i think it was a bit stupid of him to even come onto our forums, cause what did he seriously expect? of course they were gonna rip the shit out of him lol, and I have to say he really reminds me of 1 of those kids thats all "BLAHBLAH IM NOT LISTENING I'M RIGHT YOUR WRONG" because on his forums after Grey told him to stay the fuck off our forums xD he was all "I see. The moment I prove my point, you guys get butthurt want me to take my ball and go home."

Right...what point was that exactly? :x

Salvage seemed to go a bit shitty, mostly due to cells :/ got no drops aswell (did ZR farm) as usual.

Saturday 13th~
Dynamis Tav but I didn't go cause only stuff i want was -1, so thought i'd give my place up.
There was a bit of drama in LS (I missed it cause i was napping boo =( )
but Fyre caught me up ;D
We were supposed to be doing Dyna Xarc the tuesday, but we only got 18 people, asked LS and they agreed it wasn't really worth doing Xarc, so we decided to change to Sandy since we needed clear for some people anyway. Mooswa didn't come when we changed it, started talking to me in /tells saying I was only doing stuff for newer people, not older members (Oh I'm sorry, because getting new members access to xarc is gonna help amirite??) plus its not all about the older members >_>

Anyway we have a rule where if your online skipping a run (not if ur offline) you get -2 points and can't lot for 1 run. Which I don't think is bad, its only 1 run and easy to cap points lol. Of course Mooswa didn't agree he should get this penalty, even said we should bend the rules because hes a friend... :| Unfortunately its not one rule for one, another for the rest. He even asked us to ask LS if they think he should have been able to lot today and hey guess what not one of them said yes. He was also childish calling fyre a nob, gay, tosser etc. Said he was leaving shell, but Fyre ended up kicking him anyway.

The run itself was meh on drops as usual, no -1s. Rdm body, thf legs, drg body, sam helm, mnk body dropped ;/

LP were doing sky and so i went up on sch, my nukes got resisted to shit :( probably didn't help i forgot my af2 hat. We did Seiryu which dropped whands+seiryu's kote, 2 suzaku's got Nfeet from 1, 2 byakko's and got a haidate from 1 which Niclouds got grats to everyone on dorps \o/

Friday, 5 February 2010

In limbus i actually got to take a job *I* wanted to =O *gasp* i went rng/nin with kraken club, was fun :D I also didn't nearly kill ally |: so idk why people said that lol >.> not dumb enough to not back off when needed

Then yesterday we did salvage BR boss, dropped Morri body 25 which i got and usu legs 25 which Sylv got ;D

Killed cerb this morning which was fun ;>
Then a few hours later Sylvaria's character got hacked :( was seen selling all his stuff in rolanberry, hopefully he can get it back, gonna have to get him usu legs 25 again though lol D8

I was bored and asked if anyone in LS wanted to sky farm, managed to get Reznor to come smn, Shadow on rdm and me blm. Rez had to brb a bit so me and shadow started, i pulled a doll we killed and Despot popped xD wasn't really ready for it and Shadow magic aggroed otw and died lulz managed to get a few up to help (and raise shadow) but it seemed easy enough once i'd gotten it to the kite path/got used to it ;D

We then decided to try farm some diorite for a bit, got a few more people to help too. Only killed idk maybe 5~ statues and a dio dropped xD me+shadow bring good luck o/\o

Heres a picture of me+fyre sat with a friend kingkorrit \o/ I really gotta start posting more pics ;(

6th feb~ ya I'm gonna start putting dates if i remember too!

Logged on just before sandworm was open so didn't have time to do anything on game rly, but retraced and went to scan sauromugue[S] (boring zone ;( Sylv stole mine on super!)
Fyre was watching TDG kill ixion at the same time, and I got him to take filters off as it had to have been up for over an hour now, and it looked like it was starting to rage ;D
They tried to shadowbind it (whilst it was raged) but waste of time rly, they just werent hitting it lol. Whilst it was raging Diakato had told us sandworm had popped, so we decided to send a stall party to worm, and scan for ixion when it ran (wouldnt take long to kill since it ran at 12%, ended up regening to 25%) They didn't even need to claim worm yet since no other LS had noticed it was up yet. I went to wsaru and wasnt long before campaign ended and it didn't pop, then it had to pop in Grauberg [S] eww nasty zone :(
We had about 14 people, most of which could claim ready for campaign to end...took a while but it did ;D popped too far from me, TDG ended up getting again lol. Owel we still had sandworm though. ^_^

Unfortunately since we went for ixion too and it didn't pop quickly I had to head out for Dynamis Bastok and couldn't fight sandworm(They ended up getting serket and wtath+antares dropped)
We ended up having 32 turn up for Dyna, which was nice tbh even though it was just bastok, least we know we still have a decent # of members, they just disappear D<
Ended up getting 21 af, 17 wootz ores (i got 2 ;D), and 1 100 so not a bad run ^_^ although most of the af went free lot but meh, we had to clear for a couple anyway.

Sunday, 31 January 2010

Did a Dynamis beauc yesterday didnt get a great turnout, which seems to be the same for every run lately ;/ but was a decent enough run, Kingkorrit won a 100 with 760 lot, beat me by 15 =( Fyre also won rdm body! :D

After Dynamis I did nothing on game for a while as i was playing sega genesis on my wii =D

I then went to bed but couldn't sleep after a couple of hours trying ~.~ which seems to be a pattern for me lately |:
So after playing with my kittys for a bit i decided to see if Eastern Shadow had popped yet (had kept Superomega online to try keep ToD back) Didnt look like it but soon as i checked I also saw Serpentarius say Sandworm had popped, so i offered to come kiter since no tank had said they could come yet, it was allllllllll the way down at the bottom of Meri D< sch ="D">
Was a pretty fast fight blu's did like 3k cannonballs at end ;O awsum stuff

The next day we got sandworm again (i was scanning this time too ;>) had no competition since TG were doing ZNM and was quite late for TDG. Popped in KA zone but it was HQ ;( (kinda wanted KA to pop for chance at some belts for pplz) though still a fair list for torques i think so not so bad. Killed it in like 20mins heres a parse of Kingkorrit on sch who parsed a fair bit higher than the blms <_< sch does *not* suck. (was him vs 5 blms)

kinda hard to see x: I'll see if i can sort it to make it better later

Saturday, 30 January 2010

I always forget what i do in game :( so I'll miss some stuff out, think I'll start noting stuff to write about down lol D<

I've been looking for a kraken club for 40m still (upped to 41 after a couple days) and iticus told me he had a mule on ifrit he was bringing back soon so could keep an eye out there which was nice of him =D Also noticed on www.ffxiah.com someone had a Januwiyah+1 on bazaar on Ifrit, so sent them a /t and they said they'd sell it for 600k which was gewd since theyre so hard to find!
so I should get that in a week or so ^^ thanks to Iticus <3

Did some MMM again which we haven't had much chance to do cus someone in our group is always busy xD to try get me, Shinx and Phaze earrings but they didn't drop :( we did get Reznor a Koggelmander though so wasn't a total waste

Mog bonanza numbers came out, had like 16 mules or so with marbles, only won like 5 rank5s lol <_< had alot of ALMOST rank3s, someone on our server won rank1 and sold ninurta's sash for 200m+speed belt + hachiryu haidate @.@

Iticus also made a communian earring and sold it to me =D now i can sell the more expensive mnd+2 Star earring!

Killed Orc king and another Jugg dropped ^^ gonna take a while to sell though but its some gil =>

We did a random SSR salvage farm yesterday me/BB/Tula/Shinx/Diakato and Fyre went, the run went reallyyy smooth and USU head 35 dropped so it wasn't a wasted run either :D

I got a PM on ffxiah.com last night from someone asking if i wanted to buy Kraken club for 41m and they'd server transfer over to sell it to me, I replied saying yeah and they transferred over straight away and woo i got a KC =D I know i don't need 1 but i really don't have much else to buy I wouldn't get a relic cus if i quit u can't give that away and I just think theyre a waste of gil ;(
Didn't really get chance to play with it since it was Ein and I went blm, we won easily enough since we were full for once in a long time =o
it was also pretty late so I'll play with it tomorrow =D

In the morning I also got a message from Frodito telling me he'd sell me his KC (on fairy) for 42m (he was after 50m for a while ;<) too bad I would have bought it if that guy hadn't transferred over D: lol

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

I mined today for 5hours (ya i was bored) and got absolutely cock all (not even an adaman ore) wtf D:<
Then i scanned sum sandworm again, it popped in fyres zone (but he noticed a few min late) WWT had it, went white fyre took it and just as me/alf got there fyre died lol Dx

I logged off for a whileeeeeeee came back to do Dynamis but we didn't have many show (was supposed to be doing Valk) and with our luck i didn't really wanna risk lowmanning Valk boss so we decided to just farm it for an hour. Nin dropped shortly after we started Hippogryphs, then another nin a couple after. Dnc cape dropped we moved to sheep and sam dropped (first 1 we've had in like 2 years lol) so it was actually a decent run for us (especially considering we only had an hour)

Got some Zeni with Kingkorrit, Phaze, Fyre and Fayizma tagged along also and learnt refueling ;D

Had enough zeni to buy a verdelet (Phaze was the only 1 who didnt get a shield last time <,<) so we went to pop that with shinxen helping too and yay shield dropped =D grats phaze!

Monday, 25 January 2010

Didn't do much when I logged onto as camps were open, so headed up to Fafnir on blm (then got asked to change to sch as we didn't have a whm yet though when i zoned back in someone was on sch ;|)

Popped like 5th window or something, WWT got (Surprise!) though we got Nidd yesterday and Mbody dropped but its so annoying to camp when we have like 10% chance to claim |:

After that died we headed to camp King Behe as we were only 1s with ToD (all other LS wasted 3hrs camping yesterday and ofc it didn't pop lol) and a few WWT were there along with some randoms, we didn't buff for windows again since we were the only 1s who had it. It popped 6th window NQ, not even facing it Tazzin(WWT) claimed it <,< no wonder he got a ridill for his thf lol.
I then AFked a while cause I wanted to play with my kittens (5 weeks old and gettin so playful now =D) but I was also a bit :| cause I watched a video of someone setting fire to a cat <_< some people are so fucking evil. Someone should pour petrol on him and set Fire to him whilst filming it, see how he likes it.

Cerberus popped and TDG got it, tried to claim on Super but got locked out =(

A few hours later it was Einherjar but i didn't have access to Odin so Fyre took Superomega who did on thf. Fight went a bit shitty at end and almost wiped at 1% but i think it was Vytiss that killed it? D: anyway someone managed to and it dropped Ebody, Abody and Valhalla body which was nice =D Demange got ebody, Draran got Valhalla, Zarde won Abody over Shadowstorm by 26 points lol :( grats2uall

Sunday, 24 January 2010

Today I made a prism cape on Fayizma =D not really tried crafting for profit lately but I thought I may aswell use the 30 spider webs up Id farmed (Though I didn't make it from those 1s) I forgot we had artisans advantage too so I went to bastok to desynth the NQs i made and only lost 2/6 capes not too bad really and got alot of threads back to try make some more capes and restart the cycle until I Hqed ;D

Well its some more gil towards KC anyway =D
After that I decided to help scan sandworm and took Saur [S] It was boring :( as usual and popped within about 3hours, TG got it in North Gusta guivre full drops
WWT also ended up getting Khim with Haute+Seveneyes dropping (Not that a linkshell full of obvious botters deserves those but hey thats how it usually works out) I think the worse thing about it is the "We don't agree with botting blahblah" but make it so obvious lol..

anywaaaay after worm me+Fyre went to ENM and Sylv asked if we could go twice with super. So we climbed mountain didfight and both ENMs dropped Galateia <,< lol

Then me and Fyre decided to try finish his bloodwood lumber set, we only ended up getting 1 bloodwood log (which is still something) whilst we were there for about 20 minutes then Siralf asked me and Fyre if we wanted to go kill Overlord Bakgodek which can drop juggernaut for 900k~ so we went to do that i went on sch to nuke
my helixs were doing decent for 200 and I was magic bursting for 1.5k+ everytime so fu to anyone who says sch is a weak nuker <,< considering 2 of those STILL costs less than 1 blms Thunder IV

and woo Juggernaut dropped (we've got 2 in a row =D)

Saturday, 23 January 2010

Dynamis Bubu :( what a sucky run it went well runwise only had 24 show too. But dropwise we got 1 accessory...which was brd <_< we seem to get at least 1 brd per bubu yet no nin it sucks!
and then we got thf bodyx2, drg feet x.x rdm af-1, war af-1 and drk af-1 awsum!
I blame Kingkorrit :[

Me, Tula and Fyre decided to do another ISNM run (I've got like 89k ISP to burn since levellin rng so lets hope i get some ores =D) but I didnt get 1 :( Tula was the only person that did, but least its somethin towards her marduk body!

After that me and Fyre decided to go try for some bloodwood logs as hes recently got 25/35 for morrigan's hands and 15 is easy enough to get, within 10 minutes Fyre got 2 bloodwood logs, he got another ~ 30mins later making him 9/12 :D (Though we have to craft them on super first so they could still break ^^;) I didn't get any ;( which is usually the case when we both go lol well cept 3 deaths D8
Did an ISNM run with Shix, Tula, Ahren, Fyre and a random person to try make some gilz! Tula recently got 3/3 for marduk body but needs 8m more to upgrade ):
Ahren went first and got a kore! then it was my turn i did too, Fyre+Shinx didnt ;(, Tula did! and the random person didnt ;( 3/6 isn't bad though.

pretty much all of today ive been camping Lamina... ;| 0/5 now when ive actually claimed it, I missed it up a couple times whilst I was ISNMing too

Friday, 22 January 2010

Finally got ranger to 75, the last few levels took a while due to getting shitty parties but meh least its finished now, though I'll have to get a buff if i want to use it for ixion and such =D

I haven't crafted anything gilwise for ages since crafting generally seems dead profitwise :/ most of the losses on NQs just aren't worth it, but a friend Evynd asked me to make him a Goblincoif and ffs :[ HQed it, T0 same as Dusk gloves+1 awsum ;o;

My homam body dropped, I did decide that I was gonna pass it, but when i asked who was next for it, it was some retard who really seems to hate me for whatever reason so i just decided to take it lol.

Fyre's decided he wants to level some jobs for me to get maat's cap. I said he should get himself one but he said it would be more beneficial to me, and I've already got the harder jobs done (blm, smn + bst) though smn isn't so bad now if you want to astral burn it up. I'm not overly bothered about maats cap, but since hes levellin some of my jobs, I'll probably take his blm and maybe his sch up to make up for it. All jobs will be at 37 for him to start with...so he won't be doin it all by himself ;D that being said, I know i won't of earnt it though I can make up for it like i said by levellin his blm ;D

I think I'll start to level some of the jobs a bit myself though since I'm usually just sat on bored, especially now that ive finished ranger, theres not overly anything I want to level, maybe Blu but learning the spells really puts me off since I'm pretty impatient =(

I'm also on the look out for a Kraken club for my Drk zerg set, aswell as a Januwiah+1 (which is a real bitch to find ;( ) but I'm only really looking to pay 40m :/ looking in rolanberry people are selling at 50~ which personally I think is too much, I know its a rare drop in bcnm but u also have to consider economy in the game. I'd probably be willing to go a couple mil over but thats all ;( if I can't get one for that much I won't bother ;> plus when i had mine i couldnt even sell it for 30m on fairy! and it was only like~ a year ago and the economy wasnt much better >O

I've decided to camp some of these new NMs SE added that all seem to have a really crap droprate, I want Kusha's ring and lava's ring that have Accuracy and Attack+12 when theyre put on together. I started in Rolanberry [S] for lamina, as I got there someone just killed it soo waited 120 mins and had to afk so i missed it, camped it again and whilst it was open we had sandworm so i had to go to that, came to camp it again and lost claim =(Fyre also checked Saur [s] where the other ring drops and the NM was up but just got claimed =|

95mins later it popped again and i claimed it =D a dancer was camping it too but it popped right by me anddddddd surprise surprise no drop :( though I'm only 0/1 on this, 0/2 on the other so far

Earlier this week Fyre also finished my weapon from fomor =D with help from Kuumihumi, Kingkorrit, Tiupiu and Fleurys smithing but it looks so kewl =D Shadowstorm got the polearm done too which looks much nicer