Sunday, 24 January 2010

Today I made a prism cape on Fayizma =D not really tried crafting for profit lately but I thought I may aswell use the 30 spider webs up Id farmed (Though I didn't make it from those 1s) I forgot we had artisans advantage too so I went to bastok to desynth the NQs i made and only lost 2/6 capes not too bad really and got alot of threads back to try make some more capes and restart the cycle until I Hqed ;D

Well its some more gil towards KC anyway =D
After that I decided to help scan sandworm and took Saur [S] It was boring :( as usual and popped within about 3hours, TG got it in North Gusta guivre full drops
WWT also ended up getting Khim with Haute+Seveneyes dropping (Not that a linkshell full of obvious botters deserves those but hey thats how it usually works out) I think the worse thing about it is the "We don't agree with botting blahblah" but make it so obvious lol..

anywaaaay after worm me+Fyre went to ENM and Sylv asked if we could go twice with super. So we climbed mountain didfight and both ENMs dropped Galateia <,< lol

Then me and Fyre decided to try finish his bloodwood lumber set, we only ended up getting 1 bloodwood log (which is still something) whilst we were there for about 20 minutes then Siralf asked me and Fyre if we wanted to go kill Overlord Bakgodek which can drop juggernaut for 900k~ so we went to do that i went on sch to nuke
my helixs were doing decent for 200 and I was magic bursting for 1.5k+ everytime so fu to anyone who says sch is a weak nuker <,< considering 2 of those STILL costs less than 1 blms Thunder IV

and woo Juggernaut dropped (we've got 2 in a row =D)