After faf we decided to MMM, I popped first and we killed it easy enough. Opened the chest and :O mamool ja earring drop!
I lotted like 379 -.- lol
Shinxen lotted 400+
and I think Phaze lotted 399ish
Grats Shinxen xD
Did a second 1 but nothing dropped :( Then Tula had to afk a while so me and Fyre decided to do Hagun enm which we got key item for like 5 days ago but didn't get round to doing lol D:
Killed the antlion, popped the chest and :O a hagun! nicee :DD
Too bad we have to split with smelly Sylv ;[
Later that day I decided to level drg a bit, did some campaign whilst lfp took a while to get an invite but i managed to get a decentish party, drgx2, mnk, pld, cor+rdm. After a while the cor dced and we got another 1 who didn't wanna pull cus it was expensive ¬.¬ not sure why he was lfp subbed /nin, but he did pull since I said we didnt really have anyone else that could.
Hit 65 not long after, was scanning ixion on fyre at same time so decided to get a rep and concentrate on that since we didn't have any competition. There was only me and Grey scanning for a bit, then Draran came along was kinda lame having to hop zones but meh. An hour or so in KV popped and I was actually glad it did for once >O cause I'd *hopefully* get to take KC drk for a try :D
I asked to go drk and got told i could so i geared up (forgot food+homam feet in the process ;< lol, had dusk +1 though so meh)
We waited for Vaan's 2hour to come up and didn't take that long to gather+kill, though retardedly there was ONE TDG person stood there, a thf Asakari >_> who GMed us wtf? do they GM just for the sake of it now? lol >.>
Anyway the GM turned round and said we were fine to wait for vaan's 2hour so fuck you!
If they had a killforce, hell even a stallforce fair enough. We could have given u KV and u would have just wiped <_< lol
I darksealed just after 3rd song was off, drain 2 > bloodweapon > souleater and smacked it :D it petrified me pretty soon lol :x didn't last long though and went down really quick, quicker than when we have a full ally for some reason :s (think we only had 14/15 people?)
After that most when to scan ixion, but i had to go out so didn't get back to scanning :[
I ended up going to sleep for a few hours since i didnt get much, I took my kittys upstairs (mistake ):) since Dracula (not got a proper name for him yet and he has fangs lol ;<) pissed on my bed ¬.¬ but its all good, cus it was in a heart shape lulz ;D but ya, i probably shouldnt take them upstairs til theyre properly litter trained lol :(
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