Sunday, 4 October 2009

I then decided to try my luck on prism capes as they were selling for 600k =o
and guess what? :| 0/fkn21 cu 700k
I then desynthed my last rainbow cape and only got 3 threads so i tried a couple errant slops since I had other mats anyway, and guess what )< mahatma slops! guess it still works out making my loss less lol

Later in the evening we got sandworm, KA and avalon breastplate dropped.
Then LP did sky farming, I went to Limbus boriiiing :( not a very fun day on game today )<

Also attempted to try get another kraken club from Up in arms bcnm, we got one probably about a year ago now but sold it, now i want 1 for my drk to keep! of course no drop xD I really wouldn't expect to get that lucky again lol, but one can hope. Still have a fair few orbs used 5 today~