Tuesday, 29 September 2009

29th September 2009!

I decided to restart this ffxi blog up! I haven't posted on it for over a year but I've been doing alot in game :)
heres a few things...
I got leathercraft 100 yaay!! and not just, +3 too!
I also decided to take SCH and WHM up to 75 ^^

I've made some goodies with my craft! I went 2/24 on dusk gloves+1. Kept one pair and sold a pair to Distortion. (who then got banned for salvage dupe! ; ; cu signed gloves+1)

I ended up Joining a HNM linkshell called LostParadise, its really good and I've met some really nice friends in it. Also got some goodies ^^ a few are Heralds gaiters, justice torque, dalmy+1(Which kana crafted O:)

My best friend in game quit! :( Yes Nimlith ; ; he went to Uni. But at least hes having lots of fun! I miss him lots though =(

Alot of my friends have actually quit (maybe i should too xD) Altimis came back then went again >( Lainne came back for a bit then disappeared.

A new friend i met in LP Superomega quit too, hes letting me use his char though! gogo TH4 <3>O

I am currently doing nothing in game except camping Cerberus with Sylvaria! (and watching tv at the same time \o/) so i shall continue tomorrow o< goodnight