Sunday, 6 December 2009

a few days ago LP did Bv2 and I went sam =D didn't take that long to gather either >O went, killed it and Bahamut's staff dropped =O not seen one for a loong time. Liger told me and Kuumihumi to lot, Kuumi lotted somethin like 14 lol, I lotted 200 odd but I was thinking about it and decided to be nice and pass, but i missed kuumi sayin he was logging <_> good job Hellokitty didnt pass so i got reinvited back in to lot lol
(He totally bitched at me the next day for it too ;| i wont be nice again to unp)
After Bahamut we went to do 2 kirins, I was on blm. We had a fair few up there too which was a nice change =o First one dropped Nbody only, not even a crystal! grats Shadowstorm =D
2nd one dropped Dbody, no idea who got that ;(
Then it was getting late so i logged off to finish watchin Misfits.

On Friday 4th~ didn't log on much but we had Einherjar and got the malboro boss which was a pain in the ass! but we won with 1minute left, would help if everyone who could wake people ya know woke people :| but i gots Odin access now \o\

First thing we did on saturday was kill eastern shadow =D didnt expect it to pop! had to run Wing out there and stall it on super though as there were some others in zone, Vali's bow dropped ^_^ 1/1! now i can finish ranger =D

me and Fyre then went logging and got 3 bloodwood logs :D I got .2 skill up off of those 2 which was nice ^^ 92.4 now so close yet so far away :( Fyre also had a /seacom saying we were selling Koggelmander and he got a /tell from a japanese player called Agni who wanted to do it. So when our group all logged on we went to do it! but unfortunately from 3 runs nothing dropped =( then we had to go to Dynamis Xarc which I was kinda looking forward to. A decent number turned out and we decided to do Dyna lord aswell. The af2s we got were~ BLM, NIN, BRD, BLU, SCH, DRG, MNKx2, DNC, DRK and 2 100s aswell so was a decent run dropwise.

We then changed jobs for DL and came back, killed it np I was totally dissappointed with my parse on sam though :( but to be fair i missed 1 WS and only saw DA proc once ;o;

Shadow mantle dropped and both Mears+Ariane got to lot it. Mears won congrats ^^
After Dynamis LP had a planned event to try the new fomor NMs. Me/Fyre helped Siralf with jobs and such since he was doing it by himself lol. We went to do the elvaan 1 first as galka wasnt up ;( dropped Blunt lance, we've no idea what these weapons do yet I assume its gonna have something to do with synergy. It was really easy with the right setup lol, some people have been saying these fomor are "HNM" but theres no way they are far too easy. We then planned to do the mithra but someone must have bloodaggroed and it depopped lol D:

Sunday eastern shadow popped again unclaimed (Gonna get Fyre one so he can see Ebow for 4.3m :Q)
Sylv ran Fyre out as he was out and I didn't know the way lol D: didnt realise i had like no shihei left either so i nearly died x.X but didn't drop anyway :(