Friday, 2 October 2009

For some reason when i post pictures in my blog it sometimes deletes some of my text so if something doesn't make sense it may be because of that ; ; but i do try to reread and make sure.

I couldn't sleep last night so i decided instead of lying there awake I'd do some more of Assessina's bonecraft. I managed to get it to 38 but it seemed to sink my gil more now :( I was doing fang arrowheads from~ 33 with support so I didn't break much.

I then decided to try and craft my dark knight some Merman's earrings. I had 11 tries, and yup i went 0/11 :( T1 though so only 6-10% chance of HQ! lost 120k+ ; ; gonna try some more after the NQs sell. I know i could just buy them :/ but i actually LIKE crafting D;

Then i decided to go bed ): i eventually passed out ;D didn't get up too late either =)

When i logged on this morning I heard LP had got Nidhogg (cept 1 of our tanks had fallen asleep so they had to get a bit of help from TG lol) They got an Ebody grats to Bgizzle! poor Shadow :( nodalmy4u ; ;

I started scanning for worm, went to wsaru no pop, seemed we had no competition either. I then zoned into Eron and it was up!! yay :D
We all gathered fairly quickly and got Doomvoided inside (I forgot to take a screeny of worm :( )
I'm also dualboxing Super as bard for the blms! :D
We only had 3 scanners today me/Fyre and Siralf so was nice we didn't have any competition.
Seemed to go down pretty quick, managed to get 4 blms which was nice :D
got avalon breastplate (nice for plds) and shield (which went freelot, fyre won)

now time to go food shoppin! be back soon ^.^

Came back watched tv whilst I had myself at Cerb (checking it when windows obviously) and it popped just before Ein. People weren't sure whether we should gather because of Ein, but looked like no other LS had noticed it was up. There was a WTFwrongToD miner but I wasn't sure if they'd bother coming. We gathered (slow) but still, and claimed it. MESSy fight <_> got loads of GoH off. I don't see how its hard to stun unless obviously you get a lag spike, but surely you can't get a lag spike everytime its ur turn to stun? >( (GOTTSU >( ) I guess in fairness he hasnt played for a while lol D:
We killed it at least (along with it killing some of us, inc me ;( )