Thursday, 10 April 2008

Not much today D:

I started off by PLing Fyres dancer on bard75 giving him Minuet IV and Blade Madrigal
and curing obv :) he got a pt invite, took it and soon dinged 17.
I then went out with a friend for like an hour D: hes great to gossip with rly

I then asked Fyre+ Evynd if they wanted to do KS30 ODS they said yeah so i shouted and quickly got 6/6 3 thfs gooo!
My run 1st... and yep :( crap drops

Everyone got crap drops <_<>

Didn't really get up to much else today ;( PLed Fyres dancer some more so that he could pt with my corsair19.

The sheep wus purple D:

I also got called a bitch in /tell by someone called Scorpionn
so if u read this y ? )< Y

Me and Fyre decided to make a merit pt, as we werent having any luck lfp cor+dnc )< I wonder why.

We got Fyre brd, me rdm, Phannatic brd, Aloth war, Calco mnk and Treyvan mnk

was a good party ;O got 2 merits in like 1hr 30min (That was with Aloth dcing for the last 30min aswell ^^)

Logging now =) postys again tomorrow!