Saturday, 5 April 2008

I decided last night that when i logged on today I would get the blm buff that I needed. I was only 900 into level and this would mean a definite delevel in Dynamix Xarcabard which I was to do later in the evening, as it was our linkshells 1st run. I first of all logged onto my mule, my invent is still messed up and so i needed to make a little room and it would also be nice to sell a few things and try make a little gil so i can continue leathercraft (62 atm) which is becoming expensive D:

Fyre ordered his mum Fayizma to join us, and she did, I then saw 2 blms lfp grabbed them, asked 2 random and they said yes 6/6 party :). Although then i did a /sea in the zone and saw another blm pt was here >.< I pulled a prince and linked 2 Wamaoura x.x
and so:

Wingedangel falls to level 74.

;(. Luckily I had rr2 hairpin up and so i was still 800 into level on 75 ^^ bad start but hopefully it'll be better ;(
Wewt Pudding camp became free, so we headed out there, we did notice a couple of soloers there though :( GO TO THE FKIN PRINCES )<. Anyways I nicely asked him and he agreed to move which was nice of him ;D. We began to kill and they died really fast 3 taru blms yay 3: I then popped exp band, and hopefully I would have enough exp for Dyna Xarc to come! :) Im quite excited about it tbh, but i know theres gonna be a lot of deaths :P

Nims complaining that Rav was 1 above him on D: silly Nim.

Then I told Toon that I wanted this thief in Dyna today as I was counting on him to make 5 RDM af hat drops won't happen but i can hope D:! is alot who deserve that hat!
Go Toonman u can do it D:!

The party was going pretty well, however there was a blm soloing there which was messing up our chains and so I kindly asked him to move but he was being a prick about it and carried on D: I mean wtf )<. Theres a solo camp @ princes where it won't destroy our chains DX SOME PEOPLE JUST DONT THINK /rantover


weeeee blowing up stuff ^

I did a Freeze2 of 1757 which is my highest atm O: not bad to say i have pretty poopy gear for my blm atm :D

After the party ended I ended up with 18,127 buff which i was very happy with =) and its probably the most buff I've ever had lol. Me and Fyre then headed out to Castle Oztroja where he bought the Dynamis glass (I came to D2 ;( )

Robbing goblin ^ D:

After this we warped back and I started to gear up bst (This involved alot of muling <,<) and me, Fyre and Nim headed out to Yuhtunga jungle to trio~ Im really liking bst atm D: its alot different to other jobs I've tried and theres so much you can do with it, its also great as don't have to make a full party

yay crawler pets are kewt ^-^

we were going fine until we started to fight a robber :( it went a bit bad and we ended up wiping and stupid Nimlith being a smelly elvaan only had 119 mp not enough for raise wtf rly hes a total nab :(. So I HPd and changed my sub from /dnc to /whm hoping it would be a bit better as at least id have blink >.<>

We then had to use call beasts as we ran out of pets and got aggro from another goblin robber (I dont think this is the best camp tbfh, hopefully get better at 40)

then a few fights later ~

grats to us :D
Nim also dinged a bit before us but i missed it ;( grats 2u2

We finished up and I geared blm up ready for Dynamis Xarcabard /excitement!

I saw in LS only 26 people..but not so bad since its our 1st run Hyanmensir kindly said he would help on the run, I waited outside for about 15min for latecomers, and in LS chat it seemed they got his by astral flow XD and they wiped =<>

The blms then went to snipe the eyes, the first eye went down fine, then Valrash stun the 2nd one so we wiped :( but np we learn from this stuff!
We got up and began to snipe another eye, we got aggro and then lost it weird D: we target the TE stat and killed it :D wewt gj guys ^^
so far we have had an exp scroll drop :3
We started pulling mobs and it seemed as though we were starting to get better, the drops in Xarc are pathetic though x.x. I think we've got 4 singles or so now in an hr.
We go along to snipe more eyes, and resist so die again ;( but we are starting to get a bit better though.
I think the other alliance are getting bored from waiting ;( but tough luck we are dying for u D:

a screeny of us killing stuffs D:
The NM pulls went pretty well, the plds tanked nicely and the whms kept them alive..for most of the time :P
we started the 2nd round of NMs nin,drk+blm
and :O! Blm hat dropped!!!

Grats Fay!!!

Then on a Kindred warrior mob

Grats Kinip!!!
The wipes on that run were really worth it for the af =) especially since they are rare peices
2 af on Xarc is pretty damn good :D
Anyway time ran out so we dropped glass

Pic of them with their af on :) grats guys hopefully we gonna keep getting better at Xarc and get lots more drops ^^
Anyways I'm gonna leave this post at that :) happy reading~