So I'm now 2 kores on the last 20 runs i've done, with 19k ISP left, lets see how that goes >.<> thats dedication!
We decided to do bastok(It was either that or jeuno..) we had 16 on pearl ;/ could be worse I guess. The run seemed to go alright at first we got 5 wootz, a 100 (recoil lotted 913 then FFJ ninjalotted with 914 lol^^), af wise wasnt very good ;/ we got bstx2, dnc, brd, cor +smn
The run ended early as we didnt have time to get sum TE due to king! aggroing the top bridge bit xD but it was still fun :]
I then tried to make Gavion some Mahatma feet signed 0/12 :( we'll try sum moar soon! have a pic of him in his awsum [Wingedangel] gobrin hat