Friday, 19 March 2010

Merge date announced~

So the update and merge to sylph will be done on monday 22nd 3pm gmt til 3am Tuesday. I'm kinda excited will be a bit different and hopefully be able to get stuff done easier like ZNMs. I just hope sylph isn't full of assholes :[ Not really looking forward to the endgame scene on it though, as they'll just be far too many groups. Also sucks won't get to be 1 of the first to play with the new NMs since it'll be far too early ; ; We did Dyna valk on tuesday (this run always scares me as we just seem to have shitty luck in some way or the other lol) I think we had 26 show which was more than I thought would show. We got to the boss quickly and woo =D it was going down and killed ^.^ no 100s though! The run itself went pretty decently, drops weren't so bad either granted we only got 2 commented (brd-1 for fyre and sam belt for fastfingerjoe ^^) I got smn cape on freelot we had our obligatory bard cape drop (twice!) We also got Bst belt and for regular af: blmx2, dnc and pup. More drops than some of our runs lately. Gonna try do CoP a bit more often since our xarc/beauc lists aren't so bad anymore although we do have a couple interested in buying thf hands for 4m each which would be nice =D

LPs still having their good streak with Ixion, sucks that I won't make any gil for it since its still in stupidOclock times :( but hopefully almost got everyone who scans it the stuff they want from it.

We did BR boss in salvage on wednesday Usu pants dropped and Sylv regot them (Don't get hacked again D Then the thursday we did ZR farm which we haven't done for a while, was a decent run except for of course no drops!

Last night we claimed faf! woo \o/ Fyre claimed=D went pretty shitty though lol, think mostly due to the lag though I really couldn't move :| some people still couldn't even see feet halfway through the fight. We had like 25~ or so camping xD
Of course nothing good dropped Ahands+Afeet but hey we got a faf \o/

Afterwards Shadowstorm organised a ZNM run, we decided to do acamoths as we had 4 pops for it. Kuumi was tanking and he died about 15% of first 1 and donged! but we managed to kill it >.< Oracles legs dropped =D yay mine!