Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Logged on in time for salvage and we went to do AR boss, i went rdm/whm woo o<>.<
We got to the boss with about ~25mins left and at about 50%ish Niclouds (1 of our mnk tanks) died, after that it went a bit shit ups it did 3 TP moves in a row and killed us at 10% ;o; not alot we could have done to be fair, none of the mages had any mp for cures too since couldn't even get abilities for convert :/

I got Fyre to take me to Limbus, he was very angry with this as it somehow managed to take 2 1/2 hours :| i went to try log on super in mamook I want to skill up on bloodwood log but its 90k each so if i break it'd be a bitch :x so if i can log some up it would be nice. After learning where all the trees were it only took me about 30mins to get a bloodwood log :D apparently theyre very rare so thats decent ^.^

I then had to log back to winged to do maze mongers maze. Fyre/Tula/Shinx had been working on completing a set of runes so we can do some NMs, we all wanted the shiny earring :3 Mamool ja earring, has mnd+3 and RR3 charges on it smexy for rdm :D I would have helped more but made sense for them to do it (well Fyre) when i was in bed so he had something to do :D
Anyway, Tula came brd, Fyre+Shinx pld, Phaze whm, me+matix(Tula+shinx mule) blm. The fight seemed pretty smooth we were just testing the fight to see how it went tbh lol. I died once but it seemed to have a hate reset move ;o and then.... mamool ja earring dropped!! 1/1 :DD
Tula got \o/ congrats!

heres a picy !


Now i'm just gonna log for a bit before going to bed ^_^