Saturday, 23 January 2010

Dynamis Bubu :( what a sucky run it went well runwise only had 24 show too. But dropwise we got 1 accessory...which was brd <_< we seem to get at least 1 brd per bubu yet no nin it sucks!
and then we got thf bodyx2, drg feet x.x rdm af-1, war af-1 and drk af-1 awsum!
I blame Kingkorrit :[

Me, Tula and Fyre decided to do another ISNM run (I've got like 89k ISP to burn since levellin rng so lets hope i get some ores =D) but I didnt get 1 :( Tula was the only person that did, but least its somethin towards her marduk body!

After that me and Fyre decided to go try for some bloodwood logs as hes recently got 25/35 for morrigan's hands and 15 is easy enough to get, within 10 minutes Fyre got 2 bloodwood logs, he got another ~ 30mins later making him 9/12 :D (Though we have to craft them on super first so they could still break ^^;) I didn't get any ;( which is usually the case when we both go lol well cept 3 deaths D8
Did an ISNM run with Shix, Tula, Ahren, Fyre and a random person to try make some gilz! Tula recently got 3/3 for marduk body but needs 8m more to upgrade ):
Ahren went first and got a kore! then it was my turn i did too, Fyre+Shinx didnt ;(, Tula did! and the random person didnt ;( 3/6 isn't bad though.

pretty much all of today ive been camping Lamina... ;| 0/5 now when ive actually claimed it, I missed it up a couple times whilst I was ISNMing too