Monday, 7 April 2008

Into the past!

We planned to trio the Hagun ENM (Sheep in antlion's clothing). However the last time we tried it on Darksday it went terribly wrong D:
We travelled into the past East Ronfaure [S] and headed to Colibri camp
the exp was :Q__! and we were all soon level 41, yay Nim gets Refresh :D:D!
We also killed Ladybugs which were pretty easy. The only thing I didnt like about Colibri was they kept nicking my food! :(
We were exping very quickly with no downtime
Nim soon dinged 42 and me and Fyre shortly followed. We worked out we were getting about 8kish~ an hour which is damn good =) especially for bst.

So like a ladybug came and aggroed ;( and Nim died there were no pixies around so i thought id try something O:. I dragged a pet onto a pixie and brought it to Nim, then i logged off hoping she'd raise Nim, silly bitch just flew off :(

^ Theres a pic of the mean pixie!

Soon Nim dinged 43, it seems Sigil makes quite a difference to exp bonus as we were now 2k exp behind and he hadnt even used exp band(we did O<) after me and Fyre both dinged we finished exping for the day and took a break before trying out the ENM again. Whilst Nim was afking i decided to try my luck at Crafting for a bit got .3 not too bad!

We started to climb the mountain and Nim fell :P harhar.

I was first up yay me *claps* :<

Then Nim dced :( ah well better now than the ENM like Fyre did last time :P

we teled back and headed back to get the filter (key item) and we start running and Fyre being the nub that he is :( forgets it :D and runs back.
Someone aggroed an Arch corpse and it sleepga 2 us :( and then hit me and i died Dx
and then i realised for ENM i forgot reraise and my errant body :( ah well
The fight was going pretty easy

and we soon won
and got the drop of... Square Of Kejusu Satin
:( worth 2k

well got 2500 exp more buff for rdm at least >.< I offered to PL my friend Refined as he was struggling as blm9. I got a tele dem, found him and on first mob :( sorry let him die lolz I really do fail as a PL D:. But ah well it started to get better as i was paying attention :P

wewt an NM popped! steelfleece baldarich
I kited it with bind+Grav til halp arrived
Nimlith and Fyrestorm tele dem and we killed it npnp
but no drop :(

And we that over with, i continued PLing and slowly he got level 10 finally:) congrats Refined
time to log now and get rdy to watch skins :O

I then rudely saw this as I was logging :(

No Nim your the nub :(