Friday, 6 November 2009

Logged on again just a bit before salvage and Tula asked if we wanted to do MMM again, this time try a different setup. Shinxen went war/nin, Fyre pld, me smn, Phaze whm, Tula cor and matix blm. It seemed to go okay at start, predator claws did ok damage but personally i preferred blm on it. Then it did some nasty move that wiped shadows and killed Fyre :( we tried to kite it for a bit to get him up, involving others dying but we were running out of time (only have 30minutes to kill it) so we decided to just escape out.

We started to gather a bit late for salvage thanks to MMM and decided we'd do ZR boss. Greyraven asked if he could come along to help so altogether there were 8 of us, probably wasnt the best idea cellwise >.<>

Here is a pic of us all as frogs :D one of the NMs frog chorused 3 times in a row lol Dx but I'm obviously the cuter frog ;<

After salvage we decided to quickly try MMM again with a slightly different setup than our first. We took 2 pld, 2 blm, a whm but this time a cor instead of a brd and it seemed to work better but nothing dropped =(
