Tuesday, 23 February 2010

As liger didn't meet me to do cerbs last time cus he got busy, he asked if i wanted to do them before Ein so i said yus! and then he told me if i didn't HQ I'd be kicked, cus we had 19 hides o_o lol

So we waited for darksday (may aswell since we weren't doing anything) and craft 1 NQ, craft 2 NQ.... craft... craft 19 NQ....wtf? I had kerfuffle watching me too since he had 4 to do.
Soo I started to desynth, I was up to 0/26 and had 1 last try (well we only had 1 thread left) and :O
it Hqed!! 1/27 though, retarded <_< but we should still have 14/15 hides to desynth too which is nice :D

Kerfuffle did his 4 and Nqed them all, desynthed got 4 back came back and Hqed the 5th :( lucky lol, he also Hqed another whilst i was gathering for Ein ._.

Went to Ein, the dreaded T3 again! Phaze jinxed us and said we'd get Behemoth anddddd we did, but we also got those nasty body slam dragons which are a bit hard to stun when ur timers down! D:<>

We timed out again ;/

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