Monday, 25 January 2010

Didn't do much when I logged onto as camps were open, so headed up to Fafnir on blm (then got asked to change to sch as we didn't have a whm yet though when i zoned back in someone was on sch ;|)

Popped like 5th window or something, WWT got (Surprise!) though we got Nidd yesterday and Mbody dropped but its so annoying to camp when we have like 10% chance to claim |:

After that died we headed to camp King Behe as we were only 1s with ToD (all other LS wasted 3hrs camping yesterday and ofc it didn't pop lol) and a few WWT were there along with some randoms, we didn't buff for windows again since we were the only 1s who had it. It popped 6th window NQ, not even facing it Tazzin(WWT) claimed it <,< no wonder he got a ridill for his thf lol.
I then AFked a while cause I wanted to play with my kittens (5 weeks old and gettin so playful now =D) but I was also a bit :| cause I watched a video of someone setting fire to a cat <_< some people are so fucking evil. Someone should pour petrol on him and set Fire to him whilst filming it, see how he likes it.

Cerberus popped and TDG got it, tried to claim on Super but got locked out =(

A few hours later it was Einherjar but i didn't have access to Odin so Fyre took Superomega who did on thf. Fight went a bit shitty at end and almost wiped at 1% but i think it was Vytiss that killed it? D: anyway someone managed to and it dropped Ebody, Abody and Valhalla body which was nice =D Demange got ebody, Draran got Valhalla, Zarde won Abody over Shadowstorm by 26 points lol :( grats2uall