Monday, 9 November 2009

Went logging with Fyrestorm when i logged on this morning, we got 3 bloodwood logs in about 1hr30mins :D not bad, though none of them gave me a skillup on woodworking lol :(
did hit 91 though :D

Then off to...boring Limbus ;o; though least i got to go DRK (Kuroi never fkn lets me even though so many others have mage jobs )< ) and it was only a central so quick ;> I wanted sch item but didnt drop :( cor did

Decided to then try do some nyzul 100s for my goliard hat (for my mnd setup :O)
Didn't take long to set a group up with askar being free, this first run went pretty good, got hydra boss and askar dropped ;o forgot who got ):

Then went on to do a 2nd run, this run sucked, we had to do an activate lamp at same time bit and it took forever we had about 10mins to do 3 floors left x: we decided to go up anyway and got a specified mob yay :D and went up then got a specified then we got an all mobs floor which was short. Got Khim boss and raped the shit out of it >O Goliard dropped yaaay me :D

Rocki was tagging along to our runs and wanted Askar helm, so i offered to setup a run for him where he was solo lotter on askar, again didn't take long to setup a group and away we went. This run went pretty smooth again got hydra boss and yaay Askar dropped :D grats Rocki.

It was getting late but before we logged we decided to well log for a bit :O (cutting trees ;D) within 20mins Fyre managed to get a bloodwood log, in about an hour and half he got another 2!
I didn't get any but np we share anyway \o/