Sunday, 13 April 2008

Light spirit pact :D

We decided to go and kill Carby mitts NM again for Light spirit pact. Armyangel + Nimlith also wanted the mitts so we all went along and yay ^^ on 1st 1 the spirit pact dropped

Grats to Armyangel on her new mitts too ^.^
and Nimlith on his :D

Earlier on in the morning I also got :

yay getting closer everyday^^ Although Im gonna stop crafting for a bit as I have 340k worth of coeurl leather Dx lolz need to sell it 1st :D.

We killed the tonberry again and wewt XD another Light spirit dropped!
we decided to sell+ split for this ^^

we also got thf NM item pop so we headed out to kill it :3
we popped and decided not to bother splitting this as only 60k and yay i won lot ^^

Nim is also pregnant congrats :D

and he tried to MPK me bastard :(

hes really mean :( always bullys me he needs to be shot in the eye

and then i mpkd army ;( by accident lulz meant to bind it on Nim ;( susry.

I then was getting weird things happening like in MH it only showed my KS+BS :S

Then i ran to AH..and it wasnt there o_o and neither was anyone else xD

ohai AH ;( ^

Didnt do much til Limbus. Farmed in the Boyahda tree with Fyre for a lil..he was nin/blm XD we got 1 tree cutting fail.
I then checked a mithra called Miah and found a 100 byne bill for 450k :O profit go
I asked her in /tell if could trade as would have tax, no reply so i just bought
I then got a /tell saying she was sorry cause she was afk

and then~

I did offer it back, to be nice but she never replied ;(
She didnt seem all that bothered though
Hopefully i can make 150k profit =)

Went to do Limbus was pretty boring ;( got asked to change to smn. Did tenemos SE
never done it before but /doze ZzZz ;(

I also accidentally set my HP in Jeuno after changing jobs >___>; /slapself
time to go to Mhaura and get boat ;-;

Abeden was nice enough to show me how to steer teh boat D:

Anyway prob bored you enough with todays post :P
adios O: