Thursday, 19 November 2009

Sorry I haven't posted for a while! I haven't actually logged on that much due to well...even though I have alot i want to do on game still i find myself stood in my mog house lol D:

So today we did SSR farm in Salvage...and what a surprise nothing dropped =/ such a shitty zone!
Missed Limbus cause had to go food shopping, came back and LP had cerb so i went smn \o/
Then KV popped I went bard, we killed no problem (sometimes KV can be a bitch and theres nothing u can do about it lol D:) Vclaw drop only.

I then flagged up on brd but made sure my seacom was "Fisherman no thanks" since I wanted to be lazy brd! soon got an invite from another brd Spence, I asked him if Fyre could come along rdm and he said yeah \o/
We went to birds and the party was decent, got a couple of merits and a bit of buff (yay kuporing and exp band <3)>

It was getting late but I thought I'd go and see what this new wedding thing SE had added was like with Fyre. We were most dissapointed, all we did was get a ring and a marriage certificate, no ceremony like before! though i did like the "Congratulations!" Fireworks =D. It also cost 80k for my ring, 100k for Fyres!! 400k for female wedding set, and 200k for male! we just got the rings, but u can trade them ;( so Fyre put my ring in his bazaar for 100k tut!

I'll add a piccy when i get it from Fyres pc ;D