I always dread this run, it can just go tits up even if everything you do is perfect, like if charm gets off and kills all your mages x.x
Anyway we had 27 turn up which was the lowest for us but we decided to go for it anyway, we had 2 KC drks so should be fine for damage (Zulos managed to borrow 1 for his)
We got alot of city af from the normal mobs which was nice =D
Got to the MB quickly, songs up I got dark seal up drain 2 Tula hit CS stun and bam :/ she got killed by the babies >_> soo we were pretty fucked, got it to 6% before we all died meh. Next time we'll have a pld pull hate on it first so the babies hit them. We all got up and had about 10mins left so decided to pull some hippo's. Thf cape dropped on our first hippo which was nice =D kinda make the run not so bad. Recoil got it congrats.
Nothing else dropped but meh you learn from mistakes ;(
This is the parse (granted its not the best cus everyone died at some point XD) but i did awsum >:(
After Dyna we decided to ask if anyone wanted to help me/Shinxen pop a mamool ZNM (forgot name of it and cba looking ): ) only a few responded at first but in the end we managed to get a full ally lol. Though we did have 5 pops in total to pop. They went down fast, the last 1 got stuck and didnt move/benediction so we killed it in 4mins XD got 2 nagels 1 from my pop (thanks to kingkorrit!<3) and Vaantalus
We then went off to do Marid, the rat 1, and a couple brass borer's too. Was nice to get a few peoples mobs done =D gotta work on cerb path now, finished Tinnin ^.^