Monday, 5 October 2009

I've not really been on much these past few days so sorry these will be short!
Noticed TG had sandworm in saur[S] so went to check it out and yus they did. It got down to 25%, and kept getting lower...used about 30 TP moves but wasn't doomvoiding...13% still no DV lol. They decided to just kill it and asked if anyone there wanted title I was all "me me \o"
and they invited :D yaaay "Sandworm wrangler"

later on in the evening popped myself at cerb on superomega and it popped. 2 TDG plds Ollie+Yagun claimed it but soon died (Was pretty pointless claiming with just 2 pld though with no-one else in zone :/) We then claimed it and slowly damaged it til more logged on. Then GoH mode came. I don't know how many got off <_> but we nearly wiped needlessly

heres a pic of me on smexy brd \o\ (I also ended up donging but lolbrd)

and heres a pic of us waiting in Ein ):

needless to say we lost Ein lol. Had a decent turnout for once in a while and got shitty mobs ;/
bats+slimes then red slimes! then flan boss ;| timed out about 30% ah well more T2 inc lol ;x