Sunday, 29 November 2009

I've decided I'm not gonna post everyday (I haven't been anyway) and I'll just post every few days of stuff that I've done in game! ;D
but since I've forgotten most we'll start with a few days ago x: I finally got Trotter's boots yay! I say finally but I only went 1/3 on them lol, theyre just a pain in the ass to camp when you have a HNM ls and so many events to do. The first 2 we killed I wasn't even expecting to camp, first 2 people raged it and some pld bashed it before they wiped, which meant it was still raged when the 2nd group got it = wipe ^.^

We did salvage SSR boss with 7 of us and it went really smooth, didn't get anything we went for :/ but it dropped Ares 25 body and head.

We also popped a Chigre (I want shield from Verdelet so had to get access to it) and it was very easy me/Fyre/Shinx/Tula/Phaze/Fastfingerjoe and Kingkorrit went! (thanks to just helpers ;3) Then Siralf said Cerberus had popped, but we all got confused as Tula asked a question forgot what it was then someone asked if it had really popped and he said no ;x so we were about to pop another Chigre when my friend asked why we weren't at cerb as it was up unclaimed i was all o...
Soo Yeah we gathered at Cerberus I went summoner =D I've not been stunner to Cerberus for a while, I'm not a bad stunner in fact I doubt ive missed many I just hate the pressure if u miss 1 :(

Thedarkguys had a stall force inc and their pld was ahead of ours so we decided to pull it with our Sam Devilsquall =D then Shinxen arrived shortly after on pld. It scorching lashed (its flail move) and both our tanks died somehow :/ so Phaze stalled on rdm/drk \o/ by 2houring. Both tanks got back up and soon Shinx died again >_<>

We decided to continue the chigre pops the next day as it was getting pretty late.

So the next day me and Fyre decided to try log for a bit, but we only logged for about 30mins~ and he decided to camp Khimaira for a bit. We didn't get any bloodwood logs =(

Later in the evening we did the rest of the chigre pops and Kingkorrit kindly gave me trophy from his pop =D thanks King!
So I can get another verdelet if shield doesn't drop ^_^

Today I've not done much in game, we did Dynamis Valkurm got to the megaboss easily, then Zarde accidentally cast paralyze2 on megaboss when she was meant to do phalanx2 :( so we wiped, but got up and killed it again after so np ;D mistakes happen Just glad we were able to win xD

A fair few AF2 dropped from valk but only 2 accessories =( blm+war which were commented at least ^^ and only 1 af-1 ;/ and just HAD to be bst didn't it D:<>

After Dyna I had organised with a few from it to pop some Bomb Queens for a smexy zerg ring!
We all gathered quite quickly and the NM itself was easy it was just waiting 15mins for repop which was a pain in the ass -_- we managed to do 4 pops out of 5 and 2 people had t go >_<>

Some LP were in sea so me/Fyre went up, I went to do Ix'drg which had just popped as I got there and Fyre went to farm some M chips. After Ix'drg we decided to get some chips too, we got 3 in like 15mins? who needs TH >o then they had to leave for Limbus :(

Me/Fyre then went to do ISNM he got a Kore as usual and I didn't! ; ;


and heres a cute pic of my very weird cat Princess in a basket ;D