Sunday, 6 April 2008

Another SJ done!

I decided that I'd quite like to finish scholar today and so I asked Fyrestorm if he wanted to, as we are currently staticing his drk and my sch to 37. Not long after I flagged up I got a /tell from a dnc33 Deggy asking if i wanted to party, I asked him if he had room for Fyre and he said yes. So we joined and heading out to Garlaige Citadel for camp. The setup was me: sch/whm Fyre: drk/war Deggy: dnc/nin Purisia: sch/blm Judekka: pld/war and Tsubame drk/nin. Sounded like a nice setup and it was, we were killing pretty fast and I barely had to do any healing.

I also recieved a linkpearl to Oceanicsky, which I was in for about a week before leaving due to timezone )<. It's now turned into a social LS and I saw a lot of familiar names =). Both me and Fyre quickly dinged to 35

I also noticed I'd gotten a new ability 'Sublimation' which stores mp whilst losing hp. Seemed like that would be pretty handy o:
Wasnt too handy for this party though, as i didnt really need it =<.

in LS Nim was farming in Phomiuna aqeducts for his drg subligar i think Dx and he spotted an NM called Mahisha, and being the wuss that he was wouldnt even try it D: I'm dissappointed in you Nim. Hang your head in shame D:

It didn't take long for both me and Fyre to ding 36, hopefully we could get 37 in this party before Limbus and leave the jobs at that D:
Soon the other scholar got a rep Koryuu blm35, :( fail! just kidding kory :3

ohai Kory

Wewt we finally dinged 37!!! and disbanded party as the pld had to log anyway

Another subjob over with :)

I relogged on after afking for a while and headed out to Limbus, i geared up on rdm as i like it and hopefully they won't ask me to change (They always ask me to change )< ) O: I got invited by Ghil and so far they havent asked me to change ;<>
I noticed the setup was samx2 (both well equipped), blmx2, thf and me rdm <,< yay for MP burn

We quickly found the flower needed to kill for the key item to get into Tenemos

We started killing a shark whilst we waited for Rayoflight our pld to come back from dc, he did and dced again x.x

We enter and oh look after 1st floor im left with 8 mp -_-
I convert we do gigas, mnk 100 fists sylv and seiriem (sams) both fall
and soon after yep D: my mps burned again <_<>
With Hidan raising the sam, I sat and rested as convert was down for 4mins

Please note: It is not a good idea for a rdm to solo cure the party here with 2 sam/wars and a drg/sam -_-

and then we went to do fishes
yay a mnk:

<_< style="color: rgb(102, 102, 0);">

Anyway enough ranting about how badly it was going ;(
at least we did well past tonberry and nobody aggroed them ^^b

then we slept the others otw, they woke kine died and i died at portal ;(
rr up and raised Kine

someone pulled and linked all of the gobs and great I was weakened too gonna be nice for curing
and yep D: we wiped!

time to rr up and try raise everyone asap >.<

with 7mins left and 3 gobs its a sure fail rly

with 20 seconds left with 1 gob at just under 50% hp we failed :( not bad considering lolz

Ah well better next time hopefully got 4 coins at least ^^
thats it for today ^^

/end O: