Saturday, 22 January 2011

Today the plan was to do Jormy!
I got bugged to go on teamspeak, so eventually got it working XD though didn't speak too much cuz im shy :[
Hakubai went to check if jormy was actually up.....and it wasnt >_> lul
I checked if tiamat was up...ofc that wasnt XD
and Haku went to check if Vrtra was wasnt lul
We ended up going to kill Hydra =D I'd never killed that before so was kewl to get a new title ;>
I also managed to grab a wyrm horn off auction house for Fyres Alcide's harness XD they don't seem to be on AH much I guess cause they don't drop from much so was lucky i was on at the time xD and Rebme kindly crafted for us ;>

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Woo, I checked this blog for the first time in ages and you've started up again :D Needs moar pics.

- Silversonic