Friday, 5 February 2010

In limbus i actually got to take a job *I* wanted to =O *gasp* i went rng/nin with kraken club, was fun :D I also didn't nearly kill ally |: so idk why people said that lol >.> not dumb enough to not back off when needed

Then yesterday we did salvage BR boss, dropped Morri body 25 which i got and usu legs 25 which Sylv got ;D

Killed cerb this morning which was fun ;>
Then a few hours later Sylvaria's character got hacked :( was seen selling all his stuff in rolanberry, hopefully he can get it back, gonna have to get him usu legs 25 again though lol D8

I was bored and asked if anyone in LS wanted to sky farm, managed to get Reznor to come smn, Shadow on rdm and me blm. Rez had to brb a bit so me and shadow started, i pulled a doll we killed and Despot popped xD wasn't really ready for it and Shadow magic aggroed otw and died lulz managed to get a few up to help (and raise shadow) but it seemed easy enough once i'd gotten it to the kite path/got used to it ;D

We then decided to try farm some diorite for a bit, got a few more people to help too. Only killed idk maybe 5~ statues and a dio dropped xD me+shadow bring good luck o/\o

Heres a picture of me+fyre sat with a friend kingkorrit \o/ I really gotta start posting more pics ;(

6th feb~ ya I'm gonna start putting dates if i remember too!

Logged on just before sandworm was open so didn't have time to do anything on game rly, but retraced and went to scan sauromugue[S] (boring zone ;( Sylv stole mine on super!)
Fyre was watching TDG kill ixion at the same time, and I got him to take filters off as it had to have been up for over an hour now, and it looked like it was starting to rage ;D
They tried to shadowbind it (whilst it was raged) but waste of time rly, they just werent hitting it lol. Whilst it was raging Diakato had told us sandworm had popped, so we decided to send a stall party to worm, and scan for ixion when it ran (wouldnt take long to kill since it ran at 12%, ended up regening to 25%) They didn't even need to claim worm yet since no other LS had noticed it was up yet. I went to wsaru and wasnt long before campaign ended and it didn't pop, then it had to pop in Grauberg [S] eww nasty zone :(
We had about 14 people, most of which could claim ready for campaign to end...took a while but it did ;D popped too far from me, TDG ended up getting again lol. Owel we still had sandworm though. ^_^

Unfortunately since we went for ixion too and it didn't pop quickly I had to head out for Dynamis Bastok and couldn't fight sandworm(They ended up getting serket and wtath+antares dropped)
We ended up having 32 turn up for Dyna, which was nice tbh even though it was just bastok, least we know we still have a decent # of members, they just disappear D<
Ended up getting 21 af, 17 wootz ores (i got 2 ;D), and 1 100 so not a bad run ^_^ although most of the af went free lot but meh, we had to clear for a couple anyway.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whee SNES graphics \o\