Sunday, 8 November 2009

7th November Dynamis \o/

i forgot to post yesterday x: so it will be short!
Went to Dynamis and omg Xarc wasnt taken on a saturday for once :O
We started to gather and noticed a higher number than we've had usual lately =o and we made a list to do Dynamis Lord :D

The drops from the run were~
3 blm hats
1 cor
and a 100

Then we went to do DL and a 100 and shadow mantle dropped grats Mooswa ^^
our last 4~5 only dropped a 100 lol :(

Then LP decided to go do Jailer of prudence after Omega, i decided to go help cause I'd never done the fight and just mebbe I'd get a chance at torque :O though i know liger needs too ;o;

We did them and no torques dropped ): owel \o/ more stuffs for JoL

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