Sunday, 29 November 2009

I've decided I'm not gonna post everyday (I haven't been anyway) and I'll just post every few days of stuff that I've done in game! ;D
but since I've forgotten most we'll start with a few days ago x: I finally got Trotter's boots yay! I say finally but I only went 1/3 on them lol, theyre just a pain in the ass to camp when you have a HNM ls and so many events to do. The first 2 we killed I wasn't even expecting to camp, first 2 people raged it and some pld bashed it before they wiped, which meant it was still raged when the 2nd group got it = wipe ^.^

We did salvage SSR boss with 7 of us and it went really smooth, didn't get anything we went for :/ but it dropped Ares 25 body and head.

We also popped a Chigre (I want shield from Verdelet so had to get access to it) and it was very easy me/Fyre/Shinx/Tula/Phaze/Fastfingerjoe and Kingkorrit went! (thanks to just helpers ;3) Then Siralf said Cerberus had popped, but we all got confused as Tula asked a question forgot what it was then someone asked if it had really popped and he said no ;x so we were about to pop another Chigre when my friend asked why we weren't at cerb as it was up unclaimed i was all o...
Soo Yeah we gathered at Cerberus I went summoner =D I've not been stunner to Cerberus for a while, I'm not a bad stunner in fact I doubt ive missed many I just hate the pressure if u miss 1 :(

Thedarkguys had a stall force inc and their pld was ahead of ours so we decided to pull it with our Sam Devilsquall =D then Shinxen arrived shortly after on pld. It scorching lashed (its flail move) and both our tanks died somehow :/ so Phaze stalled on rdm/drk \o/ by 2houring. Both tanks got back up and soon Shinx died again >_<>

We decided to continue the chigre pops the next day as it was getting pretty late.

So the next day me and Fyre decided to try log for a bit, but we only logged for about 30mins~ and he decided to camp Khimaira for a bit. We didn't get any bloodwood logs =(

Later in the evening we did the rest of the chigre pops and Kingkorrit kindly gave me trophy from his pop =D thanks King!
So I can get another verdelet if shield doesn't drop ^_^

Today I've not done much in game, we did Dynamis Valkurm got to the megaboss easily, then Zarde accidentally cast paralyze2 on megaboss when she was meant to do phalanx2 :( so we wiped, but got up and killed it again after so np ;D mistakes happen Just glad we were able to win xD

A fair few AF2 dropped from valk but only 2 accessories =( blm+war which were commented at least ^^ and only 1 af-1 ;/ and just HAD to be bst didn't it D:<>

After Dyna I had organised with a few from it to pop some Bomb Queens for a smexy zerg ring!
We all gathered quite quickly and the NM itself was easy it was just waiting 15mins for repop which was a pain in the ass -_- we managed to do 4 pops out of 5 and 2 people had t go >_<>

Some LP were in sea so me/Fyre went up, I went to do Ix'drg which had just popped as I got there and Fyre went to farm some M chips. After Ix'drg we decided to get some chips too, we got 3 in like 15mins? who needs TH >o then they had to leave for Limbus :(

Me/Fyre then went to do ISNM he got a Kore as usual and I didn't! ; ;


and heres a cute pic of my very weird cat Princess in a basket ;D

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Sorry I haven't posted for a while! I haven't actually logged on that much due to well...even though I have alot i want to do on game still i find myself stood in my mog house lol D:

So today we did SSR farm in Salvage...and what a surprise nothing dropped =/ such a shitty zone!
Missed Limbus cause had to go food shopping, came back and LP had cerb so i went smn \o/
Then KV popped I went bard, we killed no problem (sometimes KV can be a bitch and theres nothing u can do about it lol D:) Vclaw drop only.

I then flagged up on brd but made sure my seacom was "Fisherman no thanks" since I wanted to be lazy brd! soon got an invite from another brd Spence, I asked him if Fyre could come along rdm and he said yeah \o/
We went to birds and the party was decent, got a couple of merits and a bit of buff (yay kuporing and exp band <3)>

It was getting late but I thought I'd go and see what this new wedding thing SE had added was like with Fyre. We were most dissapointed, all we did was get a ring and a marriage certificate, no ceremony like before! though i did like the "Congratulations!" Fireworks =D. It also cost 80k for my ring, 100k for Fyres!! 400k for female wedding set, and 200k for male! we just got the rings, but u can trade them ;( so Fyre put my ring in his bazaar for 100k tut!

I'll add a piccy when i get it from Fyres pc ;D

Tuesday, 10 November 2009


emergency maint inc! lol i think everyone saw that coming. Yesterdays maintenance cause a few problems although only 1 I'm aware of is that carbuncle's mittens weren't working =o

Before Maint Fyre was logged on and went to get Dynamis glass for after, he decided to have a quick look for mog tablet since they'd just been put out. He found one O_o
I quickly tele'd out as he was gonna let me have it =D I didnt want the ring...I wanted a damn moogle statue ; ; I got it and went to ru'lude gardens to see what item I'd got.....
Coffee table |:
Typical, though if Fyre had of got it, it would have been the statue and I would have been all angry :@

Least I has a new shiny exp band now =D

After maint finished at 7pm, if enough logged on we still wanted to do a dynamis, but it did take a while to sort out and we didn't enter til about 8pm >.< sorry guys!

We ended up with 26 members, not bad! and decided to do Xarc still.
Not long in and Pld dropped grats Zuljin! then Drk =o went freelot to all and Mooswa won.

Then we did the Nms and rdm NM dropped rdm :O grats Shadowgenesis!
Whm dropped from the Whm NM, grats Pinkpoison \o/
Another pld dropped \o/ grats Hakubai
Nin - Fastfingerjoe (he has nin?!?)
pup freelot - Chrisstreb
Thf dropped went free to 75 lol, grats Ariane O<
Whm dropped, freelot to all (I am 75 but i'm not a lootwhore and since i prefer sch I pass \o/)
Nemy won, Drk dropped freelot Techlife got and another whm freelot techlife got lol
All in all a good run =D made it worth doing!

9th November update!

During maintenance I was reading some of the update notes, they seemed to be adding a fair few things in this time.
Most of the gear seemed to be for lower levels but there was some really nice stuff I want these feet!

Shrewd Pumps
[Feet] DEF:14 Elemental magic skill +4
"Magic Atk. Bonus"+3
"Conserve MP"+2
CanEquip, NoSale, Ex, Rare

I think these will be a drop from one of the many new NMs they've added.
After maintence had a booring 2hr update |: but I was watching tv so np \o/

When it finished, me+Fyre logged on and decided to try find some of these new NMs they added. We went to wsaru and he found 1 on widescan called Tiffenotte. Problem was I was on naked blm/whm, Fyre naked rng/nin lol, but we pulled it anyway to see what it was like, well my T4 only did 5% ;x and it was a whm mob, banishga2, Holy seemed a bit of a bitch (on me anyway) Bigboy came sam, and seemed to do decent damage, but I had no mp so he eventually died, Fyre then died, I had to kite with about 200hp but a pixie saved me =D a few TG had started to gather too lol. Shadowstorm got here in time and shadowbound it ;D then killed it and it dropped a Furia Pigment. I think this was something to do with Evolith system as on the pictures there was 3 different colours, black,white+red. This 1 was red. Shadowstorm won lot for it anyway.

We then went to pash[S] killed some goobue nm no drop.

Went to beauc [S] and killed a sperm looking thing ;O no drop

Then went on to Xarc [S] to try find a dragon NM! but we couldnt find it. We killed 2 normal dragons which were fun :D then found a Tarus NM called Tikbalang. No drop.. from what i've been reading on BG droprates on these seem terrible :/

It took a couple of hours but eventually Tula/Draran found the NM, and it drew our whole ally in from quite far =o lol. Opened with a Tp move and killed half of us so we had to recover. I then missed most of the fight <,< me/Fyre dced for a while. Managed to get on when it was at 18% and most of the ally was dead lol, so we helped raise people up. 1 tank was alive at 3% then died.. a blu i think it was Jerm got up and killed it ;D I *think* we may have got full drops from it but tbh can't really say considering they havent even been in long lol. This is what we got

(will post pic later! :3)

And then it was 3.30am...seriously didn't realise the time lol, so logged off :>


Monday, 9 November 2009

Went logging with Fyrestorm when i logged on this morning, we got 3 bloodwood logs in about 1hr30mins :D not bad, though none of them gave me a skillup on woodworking lol :(
did hit 91 though :D

Then off to...boring Limbus ;o; though least i got to go DRK (Kuroi never fkn lets me even though so many others have mage jobs )< ) and it was only a central so quick ;> I wanted sch item but didnt drop :( cor did

Decided to then try do some nyzul 100s for my goliard hat (for my mnd setup :O)
Didn't take long to set a group up with askar being free, this first run went pretty good, got hydra boss and askar dropped ;o forgot who got ):

Then went on to do a 2nd run, this run sucked, we had to do an activate lamp at same time bit and it took forever we had about 10mins to do 3 floors left x: we decided to go up anyway and got a specified mob yay :D and went up then got a specified then we got an all mobs floor which was short. Got Khim boss and raped the shit out of it >O Goliard dropped yaaay me :D

Rocki was tagging along to our runs and wanted Askar helm, so i offered to setup a run for him where he was solo lotter on askar, again didn't take long to setup a group and away we went. This run went pretty smooth again got hydra boss and yaay Askar dropped :D grats Rocki.

It was getting late but before we logged we decided to well log for a bit :O (cutting trees ;D) within 20mins Fyre managed to get a bloodwood log, in about an hour and half he got another 2!
I didn't get any but np we share anyway \o/

Sunday, 8 November 2009

7th November Dynamis \o/

i forgot to post yesterday x: so it will be short!
Went to Dynamis and omg Xarc wasnt taken on a saturday for once :O
We started to gather and noticed a higher number than we've had usual lately =o and we made a list to do Dynamis Lord :D

The drops from the run were~
3 blm hats
1 cor
and a 100

Then we went to do DL and a 100 and shadow mantle dropped grats Mooswa ^^
our last 4~5 only dropped a 100 lol :(

Then LP decided to go do Jailer of prudence after Omega, i decided to go help cause I'd never done the fight and just mebbe I'd get a chance at torque :O though i know liger needs too ;o;

We did them and no torques dropped ): owel \o/ more stuffs for JoL

trip to the zoo

Will upload pics of when i went to cambridge zoo soon as can be bothered uploading to pc :O

Friday, 6 November 2009

Logged on again just a bit before salvage and Tula asked if we wanted to do MMM again, this time try a different setup. Shinxen went war/nin, Fyre pld, me smn, Phaze whm, Tula cor and matix blm. It seemed to go okay at start, predator claws did ok damage but personally i preferred blm on it. Then it did some nasty move that wiped shadows and killed Fyre :( we tried to kite it for a bit to get him up, involving others dying but we were running out of time (only have 30minutes to kill it) so we decided to just escape out.

We started to gather a bit late for salvage thanks to MMM and decided we'd do ZR boss. Greyraven asked if he could come along to help so altogether there were 8 of us, probably wasnt the best idea cellwise >.<>

Here is a pic of us all as frogs :D one of the NMs frog chorused 3 times in a row lol Dx but I'm obviously the cuter frog ;<

After salvage we decided to quickly try MMM again with a slightly different setup than our first. We took 2 pld, 2 blm, a whm but this time a cor instead of a brd and it seemed to work better but nothing dropped =(


Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Logged on in time for salvage and we went to do AR boss, i went rdm/whm woo o<>.<
We got to the boss with about ~25mins left and at about 50%ish Niclouds (1 of our mnk tanks) died, after that it went a bit shit ups it did 3 TP moves in a row and killed us at 10% ;o; not alot we could have done to be fair, none of the mages had any mp for cures too since couldn't even get abilities for convert :/

I got Fyre to take me to Limbus, he was very angry with this as it somehow managed to take 2 1/2 hours :| i went to try log on super in mamook I want to skill up on bloodwood log but its 90k each so if i break it'd be a bitch :x so if i can log some up it would be nice. After learning where all the trees were it only took me about 30mins to get a bloodwood log :D apparently theyre very rare so thats decent ^.^

I then had to log back to winged to do maze mongers maze. Fyre/Tula/Shinx had been working on completing a set of runes so we can do some NMs, we all wanted the shiny earring :3 Mamool ja earring, has mnd+3 and RR3 charges on it smexy for rdm :D I would have helped more but made sense for them to do it (well Fyre) when i was in bed so he had something to do :D
Anyway, Tula came brd, Fyre+Shinx pld, Phaze whm, me+matix(Tula+shinx mule) blm. The fight seemed pretty smooth we were just testing the fight to see how it went tbh lol. I died once but it seemed to have a hate reset move ;o and then.... mamool ja earring dropped!! 1/1 :DD
Tula got \o/ congrats!

heres a picy !


Now i'm just gonna log for a bit before going to bed ^_^

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

I will get round to posting more regularly D: just been a bit busy irl :>
Well I'll update with what i remember since the last post..

I got black tathlum yay =D
From salvage I also finished morrigan's cuffs ^_^ they look so much better than zenith mitts >( yucky green. I finally got nashira body yaay =D
then i got homam pants for 74 drk xD lootwhore i know but i think i deserve em after nearly 3 years of limbus >o
I dinged into them the next day ^_^ but now that i got drk up to 75 I realised i still have a fair bit to do :/
I need to finish BQR 3/4 items missing 1 Bomb Queen Ash, shouldnt take long to get just that the time I was farming them Nidd was open but I didn't bother to go as I had salvage like 10mins or so after first window. So only 4 people were there, and guess what nidd popped lol. Valdrin pld, FFJ nin, Hillbilly blm and Zarde rdm managed to hold it til help got there, although we couldn't ES sleep it cause they had been spamming sleep DX
that Nidd dropped ebody, valdrin and Shinx lotted, Shinx won grats! :D

I need to get Insurgency the WS from Nyzul Isle
I need to make a proper zerg set (want a KC ;O;)
I need to merit lots >.<
I also need to check if theres anything better for me at 75 anywayD:
need to skill up GS and dagger for merc kris o<

Had to do Dynamis Tav today though me/fyre weren't on rota >.<>( don't get me wrong tav is 1 of my favourites but i wanted to go out lol )< nvm went out after \o/
Our last 2 tavs dropwise have been pretty poor havent got af-1 from either runs :/ and not much decent af2.

I think thats everything \o/