Friday, 4 April 2008

Sch+Drk goo!

I woke up at 10am today D: not bad for me. Although I have to go into college soon so i decided since I had sometime I'd try sort out my inventory a bit. Its going to take me a while because both Wingedangel and Lilwingedangel are full atm :(. So i was doing the most exciting thing and switching between both, putting stuff on AH >.<. Anyway must get ready for college D: I shall continue when I'm back O:.

I came home from college and logged on to check whether my pieces had sold, as I had around 30 to sell. I checked Wingedangel's AH and checked everything's history, I hate when people undercut everything so u have to retake everything off and put back on <___<.

Today we were going to level beastmasters ( I trio with Fyrestorm's bst and Nimlith's rdm/bst its working really well) but unfortunately for Nim =p he had to go out for a family meal so me and Fyre decided to try finish off my Scholar, and his Dark knight to 37 so that we could both try and make some room :<>

I then noticed Nemy lfp on his whm32, and asked Fyre if i should ask him as i wasnt sure since I could main heal anyways, he said yeah. I /sea all Nemy and noticed his flag was down so i asked him and he said he was going to help on sch af boo you Nemy boo you! )<
We then started to discuss Dynamis rules for dreamlands as we are currently discussing about a priority for the waists/belts to those people who have put more effort in than others whether that be attending or w/e =p trying to make it fair ^^.

(I should really add more pictures on to this)

Me and Hyanmensir :D there a pic for u!

I then asked a random nin32 called Blueknight that wasn't flagged up if he wanted to party, and luckily he said yes :D. I also noticed a member from my Dynamis linkshell Koryuu lfp on blm so i asked him too. Soon we had a full party of 6/6 with Myself sch, Fyre drk, Blueknight nin, Koryuu blm, Kahrinn war, and Roadsterboy thf. Seemed like a pretty good setup o: now we had to decide a camp. We decided to head to Behemoth's Dominion as very few partys go there and I myself have personally had great partys at that camp. On the way I noticed Road had died D: right next to the zone the closest u can get ;( Fail. he HPd and OP back.

Our 1st fight a Greater Gaylas seemed to be going pretty slow :(

My mp was burning pretty quickly aswell, I was hoping it would improve when Koryuu came back from afk D:
As Koryuu did return fights did seem to get a little faster ^^
As we were fighting I was also talking on msn to Fyrestorm and he distracted me rly ;(
then boom.

Blueknight was defeated by the Greater Gayla.

My bad sorry^^ (You also may have noticed Im using alot of colours, it makes it look more fancyfuls promise D:)

I then saw this in party chat said by Koryuu
"life or death, would u rather drink a cup of mentral blood or cum?"
Wtf Koryuu wtf )<>

Fyrestorm then started to complain to me on msn that we didnt have a screenshot of us on here. So we sat on the dead taru and i took a screenshot :D

Someone from Kahrinn's linkshell, Omegaone kindly came and raise up our nin as I didn't have the spell yet. We waited for weakened to go then happily carried on killing bats ^-^

Yay :D

The party seems to be going fine and after a few kills .. dun dun dun dun

Wingedangel was defeated by the Greater Gayla.

I think we are a little too low here xD and we suggested moving and so me and the war Kahrinn(Who died shortly after me) HPed and we decided to try out Altep.
I changed to whm and tele'd 4 of us whilst Kahrinn teled the other person who was in bastok.

and so began the slaughter of giraffes D: (Desert Dhamel) and sand beetles.
This started to go quicker than the bats and overall I liked this party as seemed nice people o:.
It didn't help that the thf wasnt SATAing )< which slowed us down but then he seemed to start doing so a few fights in D:.

yay grats to us ^^ only 3 levels to go~

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