Friday, 11 April 2008

Bad luck on YYR again :(

Got ToD kindly off of Darkckai yesterday and with the help of Mooswa, Armyangel, Evynd, Nimlith, Fyrestorm and Herratio we all headed over to camp it, it spawned right at Mooswa so we claimed np
but no drop again :( think thats 0/5 now ._.;

thanks for the help though guys =)
I swear Evys new af2 gloves are cursed =P

We then decided to get Fayizma, Armyangel and Herratio's CoP 2-5 done.
We got through without no aggro :D and the fight went pretty easy
Herratio died once and was mnk/blm lolz :P
grats guys ^^

the LS chat was a bit weird today D: was talking bout blowjobs ;(
and me and Army were sayin guys would be better at giving them because theyd know what they like :O :D

I then afkd for a bit and went to the shop to buy loads of junk/fatty food because i can ;O
and it was yummy Nim YUMMY.

I came back and asked Fyre if he was up for doing Carby mitts NM, I already had the mitts but i wanted Light spirit for my smn (Yus i still lack it ;( ) and Fyre could have the mitts for his smn which hes going to level =D
It took ages to get there ;( but it was an easy fight and spammed searing light goo!

Didnt drop light spirit ;( but least Fyre got his mitts^^
I started to craft and wasnt getting much luck :( but guess thats 60+ for ya
on 64.5 atm D: and sux to get hides ;(

Thats all will update u on tomorrows events tomorrow ;)

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