Thursday, 29 April 2010

Did another ISNM, of course no Kore for me :( that makes me 0/8 in a row now!
I've also started farming lizard skins (moreso cause I'm usually just stood bored in game)
Droprates pretty decent in crawler's nest, can get up to 5 skins per lizzy :o

Then me/fyre decided to do a couple more up in arms (our last couple orbs ;/) of course we didn't get a kraken club ;( can't get that lucky again i guess lol

Salvage today we did SSR farm. Marduk feet ofc didn't drop and neither did usu body lol x.x
Even though I haven't posted for a while, there isn't even much I've been doing :(
I've been doing some ISNM's to try get Kores for morrigan's body, with no luck >.> though Fyre got a kore which I'm gonna steal :>

HNMwise we're not claiming much, but been getting a few things. We got a few tiamats and Oni got his gaiters. We've gotten a few sandworms, CoS had it in meri the other day, it went white and I got it with EES =D
We did some sea the other day i think we did 3 Jailor of hopes, 2 hope and 1 prudence. Only a hope torque dropped which was a bit sucky, but Shadow got grats!

Fyre's just got a new job which means we aren't playing ff11 much at all anymore, as I'm usually bored if hes not on and he just doesn't have the time =p
We did 16 up in arm bcnms a couple days ago though, of course we didn't get lucky lol

I've been trying to craft Silver dusk gloves+1 aswell, he told me hes lost about 8.5m on them so far >_< I really hoped we'd get lucky :( I made some Mahatma feet though! my first T1 craft in a while lol 0/14 Umbra cape (T2 ;|) Not having much luck on crafts in general T_T I've also been duoing (well nim had super triboxed brd ;D) KS30 operation desert swarm with Nim, we've done about 9? orbs and gotten a serket ring, a couple dingots, a vclaw and oingot between us not so bad D: and least we can just do whenever

Having no luck with Ix'drk dropping kings cape still >( but eh its gotta drop eventually right? D:

We have a new relic in LP! Fertdawg finally finished Bravura grats!

Me+Fyre also got a hagun in ENM yesterday ^-^ sold 2 seconds after i put it on AH lol.

Guess I'll update moar when i actually do something ;>

Wednesday, 7 April 2010


Soo we're now on Sylph server, whats there to say about it? Well its not home! >(
Its actually kinda weird, there seems to be alot more shouts for just Dynamis runs here. The lag in whitegate is awful sometimes during the day my games actually messed up a abit and me and Fyre dc randomly now :(
HNM-wise there is an LS called Iizerg that were already pretty mean, as we played with VNMs for a bit (new NMs) and Fyre popped one and died as no tanks were near soo they were saying how fairy had sucky linkshells blahblah. They did the same at a khimaira (Even though the next khim, which they got they were slower than us >.>; but whatever is their server etc :|)
We also had a linkshell try to steal sandworm, think it was Symbosis or something. Now yellow = fair play but actually trying to steal hate (curing, invincible etc) is just uncalled for, I would have thought people would have made a slight effort to get on with us :/

Dynamis wise, there doesnt seem to be many shells that conflict with us tbh, the only problem is memberwise we're so low,I dunno where everyones dissapeared and can honestly see this shell breaking :/ which I don't want, but we'll see.

Salvage still not putting out as much as i'd like to see but when we did AR farm, we got macha's coat (for me) and Usu legs35 (for Shinx) in 1 run which was very nice =D now i just gotta get the ingots ;|

I decided to try ISNM/mine for most of the Kores, not going so well
(The mining part) I've mined for the past week at least 3hrs a time, usually longer and the only good thing I got was 1 adaman ore, I even did 6hours on Monday and got nothing :/ Mining hates me