Finally got ranger to 75, the last few levels took a while due to getting shitty parties but meh least its finished now, though I'll have to get a buff if i want to use it for ixion and such =D
I haven't crafted anything gilwise for ages since crafting generally seems dead profitwise :/ most of the losses on NQs just aren't worth it, but a friend Evynd asked me to make him a Goblincoif and ffs :[ HQed it, T0 same as Dusk gloves+1 awsum ;o;
My homam body dropped, I did decide that I was gonna pass it, but when i asked who was next for it, it was some retard who really seems to hate me for whatever reason so i just decided to take it lol.
Fyre's decided he wants to level some jobs for me to get maat's cap. I said he should get himself one but he said it would be more beneficial to me, and I've already got the harder jobs done (blm, smn + bst) though smn isn't so bad now if you want to astral burn it up. I'm not overly bothered about maats cap, but since hes levellin some of my jobs, I'll probably take his blm and maybe his sch up to make up for it. All jobs will be at 37 for him to start he won't be doin it all by himself ;D that being said, I know i won't of earnt it though I can make up for it like i said by levellin his blm ;D
I think I'll start to level some of the jobs a bit myself though since I'm usually just sat on bored, especially now that ive finished ranger, theres not overly anything I want to level, maybe Blu but learning the spells really puts me off since I'm pretty impatient =(
I'm also on the look out for a Kraken club for my Drk zerg set, aswell as a Januwiah+1 (which is a real bitch to find ;( ) but I'm only really looking to pay 40m :/ looking in rolanberry people are selling at 50~ which personally I think is too much, I know its a rare drop in bcnm but u also have to consider economy in the game. I'd probably be willing to go a couple mil over but thats all ;( if I can't get one for that much I won't bother ;> plus when i had mine i couldnt even sell it for 30m on fairy! and it was only like~ a year ago and the economy wasnt much better >O
I've decided to camp some of these new NMs SE added that all seem to have a really crap droprate, I want Kusha's ring and lava's ring that have Accuracy and Attack+12 when theyre put on together. I started in Rolanberry [S] for lamina, as I got there someone just killed it soo waited 120 mins and had to afk so i missed it, camped it again and whilst it was open we had sandworm so i had to go to that, came to camp it again and lost claim =(Fyre also checked Saur [s] where the other ring drops and the NM was up but just got claimed =|
95mins later it popped again and i claimed it =D a dancer was camping it too but it popped right by me anddddddd surprise surprise no drop :( though I'm only 0/1 on this, 0/2 on the other so far
Earlier this week Fyre also finished my weapon from fomor =D with help from Kuumihumi, Kingkorrit, Tiupiu and Fleurys smithing but it looks so kewl =D Shadowstorm got the polearm done too which looks much nicer